Unique Property For Unique People

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16th January to 20th February 2025

With much appreciation to HM Treasury and the Financial Conduct Authority ~ the new Financial Services Legislation (here) and the transitional period culminating on 30th January 2024 (here), plus 1 year transitional to 30-1-2025, we will now be able to include reference to the Unique Property Club (here) with relaunch on Valentine’s Day: 14th February 2025 and this suitably romantic, neatly arranged pile of bricks…

 ^^ Tower Photo Courtesy of Anne Burgess ^^

Bargain Tower Last Sold For Just £13,500.

The actual purchases + renovations + resales on our sister website contain real-world buildings with a rich history of completed projects dating back to 1997. Plus new candidate buildings.

Members are currently choosing from a selection to see which building Unique Property Club buys for the 2025 project…

£13,500 To £28,500.


3 x £1,000 and  4 x £2,000 Shares.

(some shares have gone already: hence the dissonance of the numbers of shares left)

Not all are “for sale.” Some WERE “for sale” and we narrate for our readers how the Big-Box-of-Unique-Property-Magic frequently finds off-market property and achieves an off-market purchase! That is part of the enjoyment at Unique Property Club ~ a good old haggle before another unique adventure begins.

For example, we were offered the tower for sale (pictured above) in 2015 at £30,000. Instead, Unique Property Club #24 ended up buying the Noss Head Lighthouse Station + 6 building + 33 acres of land for £200,000…

Noss Head Lighthouse Station. Photo (c) Les Armishaw

Whole Site + 6 Lighthouse Buildings

Bought By UPC Number 24 on 23rd May 2017 For £200,000.

Moving forward, following completion of several other Unique Property Club projects and 8 years to 2025. The club members are choosing the 2025 project.

The choice so far…

We did look at this tower for sale (again) with lapsed planning permission to turn into a home. The tower is striking in appearance and has genuinely awesome views. The most appetising part this time around is the history of sale prices. The PREVIOUS PRICE sold as recorded by HM Land Registry that caught our eye…

Sold in 2015 For £28,500


Resold in 2023

For Just £13,500.


Let’s have a quick look at what is coming back up for sale and Unique Property Club is in fresh “price haggle mode”…



 ^^ Tower Photo Courtesy of Anne Burgess ^^
Bargain Tower Last Sold For Just £13,500.

What Is It Worth Now?

^^ Bargain Tower Last Sold For £13,500 ^^

What Would It Be Worth With

Planning Permission Reinstated?


^^ Bargain Tower Last Sold For £13,500 ^^

What Would It Be Worth With

Fully Renovated?


^^ Floorplan of The Tower ^^

^^ Magnificent Views From The Tower Top^^
^^ Plus A Turret To Work From. Far Away From The Madding Crowd ^^
This tower puts us in mind of the 1999 Unique Property Club project number 2. That was an Art Deco ruin called the Keil Hotel located by the Mull of Kintyre near to a certain musician that Russ (here) and several colleagues were tasked with keeping safe (here), lest another New York tragedy happen (here), but on this side of the Atlantic. Those we very memorable days. Mostly happy and interesting.
There is a reason why the Mull of Kintyre is a special place. The Keil Hotel was the heart of that location for many and when it closed down, it ripped a piece of the place apart.
Russ bought the owner’s flat at £12,000 and two friends purchased the rest at £6,000 each. Total £24,000 with the aim of renovating the building.
The Dilapidated Kiel Hotel By The Mull of Kintyre
Bought in 1999 By Unique Property Club: Project #2 For £24,000
Sold in 2000 for £102,000
Credentials & Numbers: Click Here.
Our editor Russ put in £12,000. Two good friends put in £6,000 each.
Cash Purchase.
No Mortgage Needed.
But there arose a problem for the old, dilapidated Keil Hotel renovation when with local enterprise agency, from whom an assurance that a modest grant to the previous owner would be honoured to the new owner (UPC2) towards what was a significant renovation budget. This was to come from Russ McLean. He had sold his house near London and was returning home to Argyll and Arran ~ with a decent wedge of cash and looking for an unusual place to call home!
The enterprise agency resiled from its pledge. That left a £25,000 hole in £250,000 renovation. There was something not right about what happened and one of the three friends suggested to just sell the building rather than deal with an organisation that behaved in the way it had.
So with some irony, a London business that was going to lease the top-floor of this remote Keil Hotel building as a call centre ~ and help the local economy with 22 new jobs, as well as making the lower three floors of the hotel + restaurant become viable, in such an economically harsh (but beautiful) environment, ended up being sold in the London auction house division of the same company who had agreed to lease the top floor at this remote Mull of Kintyre building!
Resale time a year later and the place made £102,000 at Barnard Marcus London auction. That was UPC2 and some facts worth looking at on results for the three Unique Property Club (UPC) projects that year can be found: Click Here.
Of course Unique Property Club can NOT guarantee results. Though from 1997 to 2025 there are 24 projects that have made a surplus. 3 have broken even and 3 have made a loss. Though we keep a safety fund called the “Angels’ Share” aside and as a result, the three losses were brought up to a “break-even” amount at the discretion of the directors.
We have stuck to this way of project managing Unique Property Clubs and something must be going right as the £5 annual rent for the Old Coastguard Station on Davaar Island now sits at the front of what has become a respectable…
Portfolio of Unique Property Club Projects
The Balance Sheet Total of All 4 Projects Is:-


There Are NO Mortgages NOR Bank Debt
As We Ban Indentured Financial Servitude.



Unique Property Club has project managed projects all over the UK (and three in America). One of our members has been good enough to detour around France, but we leave the choice to the current 93 members of Unique Property Club (maximum 110 members at any one time).
Focussing back on one of the candidates for UPC number 31 and the £13,500 (Freehold quality title ownership) Tower…
^^ Striking Aerial View ^^
Obviously Taken By A Drone & Digital Camera.
It Amazes Us That This Tower Was Built By Hand.
No Power Tools & Certainly No Drone Cameras.
^^ Tower With Lapsed Planning Consent ^^
£13,500 To £28,000.
At both Unique Property Bulletin and Unique Property Club, we prefer to study the facts. So a very efficient method to find out more is to start with history of the price actually achieved over time. All UK Land Registries can help with this and for a remarkably small fee to obtain a significant amount of due diligence (including current owner details) £3 to £7 it is well worth the effort…


Official Land Registry Source: Click Here

If you are curious about which building for 2025 the members choose, you are welcome to see the publicly accessible pages…

Unique Property Club

Click Here

This new publicly accessible site still under construction.

So not all features work until the end of this month, January 2025.



Unique Property Club 2025: Candidate Number 2

Offers Over £18,000

This church was for sale at “offers over £18000”. Perfect for say 6 members of Unique Property Club to own  a £3,000 share each and go on a unique property adventure with folk who have been doing this a while and have each others’ backs.

^^ Church Guided At Just £18,000 ^^

Here are a full set of interior and exterior photographs on our social media pages.

Just click on a photo to gain access (you will need a Facebook account ~ sorry!).


However, it sold very quickly.

For better or worse there are lots of churches for sale.

It is just a matter of picking one which appeals to members and where there isn’t such a rush to sell.

Also well worth reading this next article ~ one of our ways in which we recommend readers persist as a way of securing your penultimate unique home…

^^ A Regular Feature Article From ^^

Unique Property Bulletin


To Check Out Other Candidates For Unique Property Club On

The Unique Property Bulletin Pages…

Click Here







Earlier Unique Property Listings…


For Sale

Only Via Unique Property Bulletin…

Tumby Railway Station For Sale With Planning Permission


^^ Tumby Railway Station ^^

Photo Taken: 11th September 2024:
Courtesy of The Owner.

This is, in the view of Unique Property Bulletin, is a “hidden gem.” It may look very tired and dilapidated, but when you study some of the several dozen restored railway stations all across the U.K., on handsome big plots of former railway land, plus the installation of renewed railway tracks with a couple of railway carriages added onto on them, then this becomes an exciting place to live.

Especially, if you work from home, and were to choose to ADD a couple of railway carriages onto your land! Then one railway carriage could be used as your unique “home office”.

So instead of taking 251 hours commuting hours each year (Source: here), travelling to and from a distant office, you can spend those 251 hours that you just freed-up, doing something you enjoy.

Example of Food on The Move!

You have plenty of spare time now for a relaxed journey to work because your “commute” now takes just 30 seconds as you wander across from your own, exclusive railway station cafeteria, with a hot, fresh cup of coffee and a crispy bacon roll, catching your 8.30am rail connection from Tumby Woodside Station, to Tumby Woodside Station. Or even a 90 second commute to Tumby Signal Box Land where there is full planning permission to build a Signal Box (not included in the Railway Station sale ~ the Signal Box newbuild land is by separate negotiation. Quick peak but don’t tell anyone yet 🙂 : Click Here).

It’s “all board” your own railway carriage where you can have a First Class service for the whole of your day at work.

Railway Coaches NOT Included

But we would recommend you consider adding one of these styles of railway carriages to the Tumby Railway Station renovation project…

NOT Included, But We Would Recommend Adding These!

^^ An EXAMPLE of Railway Carriages ^^

^^ These Make Excellent Garden Offices ^^

 Also these are excellent holiday rentals.

Easy enough to have two of these.

They are meant to travel together!

Photo of EXAMPLE Railway Coaches
Photo Courtesy of Old Heacham Station.

For folk who enjoy a “passive income” of several hundred pounds extra each month, then a second railway coach would bring this railway bounty to your door.

All the while, you can be “remote-working” at your garden-office in the other railway carriage  along the tracks.

The renovation of the main Tumby Railway Station Building HAS a current and “live” planning permission.

Although any addition ~ such as railway coaches ~ is likely to need a separate planning permission. That is not obligatory. To install railway carriages onto a railway site is something we have seen other folk complete ~ and they have enjoyed the process and do not have any regrets.

The local councils tend to want the derelict stations brought back to life and provide much needed housing. Plus the hidden gem for each council is they get £1,000 and more every year for hundreds of years in new Council Tax!

Currently For Sale: “As Is”


With Planning Permission.

Guide: £275,000.


Click Here




.Latest News: 3rd September 2024

For Sale


Only Via Unique Property Bulletin…

Lighthouse Engineers Rooms

Ideal for conversion to a unique home, subject to planning …



^^ Tod Head Lighthouse Station ^^

^^ Engineering Workshops ^^

4 other lighthouse stations have obtained planning permission to convert these decommissioned parts of lighthouse stations into domestic accommodation.


^^ Tod Head Lighthouse Station ^^

^^ Engineering Workshops ^^

The location at Tod Head is around one and a half hours from Dundee Airport and is very accessible, yet remote enough to feel like a proper lighthouse sanctuary when needed.


Further details…

Lighthouse Engineers Workshops

Suitable For Conversion To A Flat/Home

(subject to planning permission)

At £59,000

Click Here


Any Questions?

Direct Landline: 01241 852127

TEXT is more reliable as we are volunteers with day-jobs

TEXT: 0757 2768 795

Or get in touch…

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