Unique Property Bulletin
Are Looking To Buy A New Office Building
Please Can You Help?
Unique Property Bulletin and sister companies Scotslion/Argyll Group are looking for a suitable building to replace their old Engine House HQ Office which just got accidentally sold!
You will receive a £100 “finders fee” if you are able to locate premises in the Angus/Perthshire/Aberdeenshire/Tayside area that we end up buying.
This Very £100 Note Could Be Yours…
Just TEXT your candidate unique property find details to: 0757 2768 795. Thanks.
You will also have the satisfaction of knowing you are:-
Helping Unique Property Bulletin move from volunteer-only to a PAYE staff basis.
- 3 New Unique Property Bulletin jobs will be created at the new HQ building.
As we will be sharing the new headquarter office building with our sister company: Scotslion Ltd (link here), you will be helping our joint efforts to:-
- Renovate another old/closed unique property, and…
- Increase the 111 jobs we have created so far.
That total of 111 jobs our group has created will increase by 3 with the new Unique Property Bulletin head office. Indeed, the most recent completion of two Grade A listed buildings and 2 others within the environs at our Noss Head Lighthouse Station project have already boosted the January 2019 total to 116. Add another 8 employees destined for the Sannox Bay Hotel renovation currently in progress on the island of Arran and the overall total number of jobs created will reach…
- 124 jobs created by our two groups by February 2020.
It is likely we shall need to seek a planning application permission to convert a candidate building that our readers suggest. Whilst not guaranteed, we would hope that any local authority with the prospect of a job-creating, ethical venture capital providing group seeking to be headquartered in their council area would receive a positive and encouraging response from the planning department.
The Unique Property Bulletin have a significant readership and that will, in turn, provide local jobs. Whilst the sister company (formerly Argyll Group plc: here), has a proven track record of renovating closed shops, re-opening disused hotels + rebuilding defunct industrial units.
All in all, our group of companies are able to breathe life into local communities – as well as create new jobs. Plus have a unique and interesting adventure or two along the way…
Unique Property Bulletin. Example of Online Presence: 186,399 People Reached
Equated to over 21,000 dedicated page views and 8 days for UPB-HQ volunteers to answer all the enquiries.
This particular property above was sold for £99,500.
In addition, our sister company, Scotslion Ltd., will be sharing the new HQ offices. Here is the Scotslion website (here)…
Sister Company: Scotslion/Real Dragons’ Den Website…
Click Here
So if you, or any of our readers: from all four corners of the country, could consider focussing their property finding expertise on the geographic areas of Angus + Perthshire + Tayside (Fife) + Aberdeenshire, please can you text your candidate property suggestions for our new Unique Property Bulletin offices (to buy, not rent) to…
Tel/Text: 0757 2768 795.
We will be forever grateful, and also shall send you this honorarium by way of our appreciation…
This Very £100 Note Will Be Yours With Our Compliments
If you can text or email us a suitable candidate property.
For example…
The following “A to Z” of unique properties might give you some inspiration of the type of building we seek to buy…
Air Control Towers, Barns, Canalside Cottages, Castles, Churches, Distilleries, Engine Houses, former Fire Stations, Forts, Follies, Generator Stations, Hotels, Islands, Libraries, Lighthouses, Museums, Nuclear Bunkers, Observatories, Police Stations, Signal Boxes, Telephone Repeater Stations, Underground Buildings, Water mills, Windmills, Zoos.
This list is not exhaustive nor exclusive. Hopefully, it gives you the idea of what we are looking to buy for the new Unique Property Bulletin & Scotslion Ltd., Headquarter offices.
Please text your Rightmove or equivalent unique HQ building suggestion links to:-
0757 2768 795
Or post to our new offices:-
Abbey Studios, 280 High Street, Arbroath, DD11 1JF.
Scotslion Ltd & Unique Property Bulletin: Former HQ
Please text your Rightmove or equivalent unique HQ building suggestion links to:-
Abbey Studios, 280 High Street, Arbroath, DD11 1JF.
Finders Fee

Payable to any of our readers who locate a suitable unique office building for us to buy: that ends up being bought by us.
Location: Angus/Perthshire/Tayport/Aberdeenshire