









SSE plc Is A Criminally Convicted Rogue Company

It has been found guilty of criminal conduct and that finding has been upheld on Appeal. SSE plc LOST.

Therefore, as a criminal organisation it should come as no surprise that it has, allegedly continues to behave in a criminal manner.

For now, here is the first case where the




Sub judice rules mean we cannot comment further at this time.




^^ Community Owned Power – Generator Stations ^^

^^ The Third Charity From Unique Property Bulletin in 30 Years ^^

To Find Out More…




Click Here


For anyone concerned about the security of their electricity supplies and wishes to prevent a ridiculous “3 day week” from prime ministers Harold Wilson ad Edward Heath switching off the nations power of for fays at a time, we would advise considering what we do at the lighthouse station and also on the island: supply your own electricity. Whether by professionally installed emergency (automatic) generator system, or the new Community Owned Power Station initiative. Just Google the acronym…


That new site is updated regularly












it is a criminal organisation and is questionable …























Abbey Studios – Monthly Meter Readings & Invoices For Tenants

With effect from 1st January 2025, the management of Abbey Studios Business Centre, 280 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF., will be taken over by Unique Property Bulletin Ltd (Office 15 in Abbey Studios).


This is unfortunately due to injury sustained by director of the company that owns the Abbey Studios building causing a stroke (full disclosure: here). Added to earlier spinal surgery (here) means that the usual Business Angel support for tenants during the past 28 years across the UK and America will need to change.


1]. First and foremost, there will be new leases offered to each tenant. A choice of short term (month to month with 2-month notice period, or an longer term lease of 1 to 5 years, whichever is preferred by each tenant.

2]. The whole objective of the High Street Rescue Initiative as established by Unique Property Bulletin (here), formerly Unique Property plc., has been the accidental success of buying old-closed shops and defunct-hotels along with dilapidated factories and petrol stations ect., then renovate to a high standard and support new businesses to grow in each of the renovated buildings.

Specific to Abbey Studios is the effort to keep rents low and quality of building renovation/maintenance high. Then as each business grows, tehey hae the option of staying put an if needed, more ospace in the building as and wehn availablt.


3]. As with other business centres, if a tenant wishes to rent (and then buy) their own shop or bespoke business premises, in the past we have walked around the location of the tenants’s choice and when the teant sees a building they like, we negotiate to buy + renovate and then lease the new premises to our tenant. H

4]. Historically we have given first-refusal to tenants to uy their premises after a couple of years. By such time the tenant will know whether they are comfortable continuing to rent, or whether they would like to buy. In our 53 buildingssince 1997, approximately half of tenants have chosen to buy. Half have been happy to continue renting. The longest as been 25 years.

Crucially, we have no mortgage on any building. All buildings are bought and renovated by a grouop of 111 friends who choose to put spare funds into buildings rather thn a paultry bbank account that pays 1% per annum. This is important as it means we can kKEEP RENTS LOW. Aproximately 30% lower than comparabes. Though this varies from year to year. Others have followed the loweringof rents and that has to be good for the High Street as it enables mor businesses to open and be viable.

This leads us to the main purpose of this page…

Electricity Bills

In the medium term we are establishing a third charty (or possibly a not-for-profit entity that is aimed at HALING the current horrendously high and volatile electricity bills. The working title is…

Comunityy Owned Power Generator Station





Just Goodl the acronum


… to fin out more,. Or

Click Here

This Is A Draft Page

We have already bid to buy two different reservoirs for hydro.


defunct hotels and shut-factories T








Rach room is separately metered so that the invoices are fair.

Unfortunately, the managing director was hit on the head by a 5,000 ton ferry and suffered a stroke.

Add to this the fact our electricity supplier SSE plc has been overloaded with a large tranche of 4,000,000 orphaned customers (detailed below) means that the punishing “Out of Contract” rate of 34.14p to 35.24 was imposed on the Abbey Studios premises.

None of these events are the fault of our tenants at Abbey Studios.

So whilst we are onliged to TEMPORARILY render the (lower of the two) rates at 34.17p Per KWH, we, as a company are paying the standing order charge.

This will reduce to 25.28p Per KWH for the next electricity cycle starting 1st January 2025.

Whilst we cannot guarantee further lowering of the hourly rate, because we are a “business angel” network of companies that work to make newstart and growing business environments as financially hospitable as possible, we shall be working exceptionally hard to reduce the electricity costs. The penultimate aim is a third charity (possibly a not for profit) “Community Owned Power Generator Stations” aimed at HALFING the cost of electricity (click here) or Google the acronym cop-gs for more information. Tenants at Abbey Studios will qualify for this automatically for this substantially redced rate. .

We are also paying the first half of 2024 electricity for Abbey Studios and will NOT be invoicing tenants for the electricity they consumed between 1st January 2024 and 30th June 2024.

With respect to thesecond half of 2024 and forst quarter of 2025, we anticipate the Variable Business Rate will drop substantially to a normalisedchsrge.

In addition, we are launching a third charity (possibly a not-for-ptofit wherewe are buyingasufficient land and reservoir structures to provide a community ,

Finally, you may have noticed mail arriving for “SSE Energy Solutions Ltd” (click here). This is in respect of legal action we are taking agaist SSE plc. They are invoicing on old, non-existent company letterhead. This is a serious legal infraction and is now at the SE plc auditors. In order to prove SSEplc have (allegedly) been issuing false invoices, the egistrar of Companies House was comfortable allowing us to re-register one of our non-trading DORMANT compaies as SSE Enegergy Solutions ts. That legal referal of the (allegedly) malfunctioning and overcharging SSE plc has aready seen a discount on electricity costs as someoeat SSE plc, aware of the gravity of the


Neither of thes. Over 40 electricity supply companies have gone bankrupt and half of the remaining 22 are trading whilst insolvent. This means approximately 4,000,000 “orphaned” electricity customers.

The remaining “Big 6” (Including SSE plc) cannot cope with that excess demand.

SSE pc either don’t answer their phonnnes, or change published number so contact is impossibe, or make customers go “on hold” for between one andd two hours.


The owners of Abbey Studios include a former law officer who has raised a dispute relating to alleged unlawful conduct, including unlawful billing (including breach of disability legislation andclick here

