Keeper’s Cabin

Noss Head Lighthouse Station

From Ruinous Wreck To Useful House

Here is an example of what can be achieved when a group of friends join together and make an effort to bring near-derelict eye-sores back into meaningful use and crucially in this example, to restore buildings within the curtilages of FOUR listed buildings of Grade “A” standing.

^^ Noss Head Lighthouse Station ^^

Keeper’s Cabin To The Right of This Photo

Although Keeper’s Cabin is a more modern vintage having been built in the 1960s by the Northern Lighthouse Board. This was a one room bedsit, riddled with damp and had no insulation.

^^ The Old Bothy ^^

A Bedsit For Visiting Relief Lighthouse Keepers

The first job was to remove the detritus and prepare for a new damp-proof-course plus a decent measure of insulation…

^^ The Old Bothy ^^

A Bedsit We Doubled In Size & Renovated

High specification insulation was installed in walls and ceilings…

^^ Becoming A One Bedroom Dwelling ^^

Here we can see the transformation of just one of the 6 rooms in this property…

^^ A Proper Bespoke Bedroom: Not A Damp Bedsit ^^

The next illustration shows the new footprint which is double what the old habitable area consisted of. Fair enough, we lost a coal-bunker and a junk-room, but the space is much more useful (and drier and warmer) now…

^^ Keeper’s Cabin ^^

This is the new floorplan.

It is double the size of the old Bothy bedsit.

For a better appreciation of the renovation work completed from the transformation of this old property, here is a video of “after” the renovation…


^^^ Keeper’s Cabin ^^^

Noss Head Lighthouse Station, KW1 4QT.

Keeper’s Cabin is now  fully renovated and a very comfortable lighthouse building home…

^^^ Keeper’s Cabin ^^^

This is what this dilapidated building

 used to look like….

^^^ The Old Coal Bunker ^^^

^^^ The Old Coal Emptied ^^^

This is one  of three unused stores accessible at the gable end of this building…

^^^ Transformation of A drafty Coal Bunker & A Dunny ^^

Into A Useful Building

Fit For Modern Day Use

^^ Changing Draughty Redundant Doorways ^^

Into Properly Insulated Window


^^ Remember The Old Coal Bunker?  ^^

It became a very warm and useful site-office


^^ This Office Eventually Became The Kitchen ^^

Here are some random photographs showing the old bits of surplus rooms before this space was rebuilt into a useful dwelling that is properly insulated and easy to heat.

^^ The Old Bedsit Bunk Beds ^^

^^ A Redundant Corridor ^^

After the Detritus Was Removed

Outside required the muddy parking space needed to be tidied up and made into a a proper parking area that is sympathetic to the neighbouring surroundings…


^^ The Old Grass Parking Area Became ^^

^^Like A Swamp In Wet Weather ^^

This has now been remedied…

^^ Keeper’s Cabin Parking Area ^^

^^ Keeper’s Cabin Parking Area ^^

All this work and effort is worth it in the end when you have a beguiling place to visit such as this…


^^ Keeper’s Cabin At Noss Head ^^

During An Aurora Borealis Event

^^ Keeper’s Cabin At Noss Head ^^

Main Entrance

Following the renovation of Keeper’s Cabin, it is bliss not to have to climb over the old toilet to get into the mouldy Bothy shower. Let alone end up with medical Glasgow scale concussion from actually using this weirdly placed w.c. and banging your head off of the wall (all now removed with a properly positioned, brand new set of w.c. washroom facilities that are separate from the brand new shower room)

^^^ Gone ^^^

Replaced By Two Separate Rooms.

One for showering and one a brand new washroom and w.c.

What Keeper’s Cabin looks like after the renovation…

^^^ Keeper’s Cabin Bedroom ^^^


^^^ Keeper’s Cabin Lounge ^^^


^^^ Keeper’s Cabin Kitchen ^^^


If you just spend 50 seconds watching the video at the top of this page ~ the fully renovated Keeper’s Cabin, you may begin to appreciate the transformation from coal bunker and damp dingy dump of a space. Heaven help the visiting lighthouse keeper’s of olden days.

After a major renovation the main buildings and the lighthouse tower are looking significantly improved…

^^^ Keeper’s Cabin On The Left ^^^

Here is an earlier photograph from several years ago.

It’s amazing what some TLC can do for a  place…

Noss Head Lighthouse Station in The 1990s

Some Photos of Keeper’s Cabin

& The Lighthouse Station

^^^ Keeper’s Cabin ^^^

The entrance to our building is to the left of the photograph

^^^ Noss Head Loch + Island + Pier ^^^

^^^ Noss Head Loch + Island + Pier ^^^

^^^ Noss Head Lighthouse Station In The Distance ^^^

^^^ Sinclair Girnigoe Castle in The Middle Ground ^^^

^^^ Ackergill Tower in The Foreground ^^^

^^^ Noss Head Lighthouse Station ^^^


Video of Noss Head Lighthouse Station

This was filmed before the

Noss Head Lighthouse Station Ltd., renovations

^^^ Video Film ^^^

Noss Head Lighthouse Station & Keepers’ Houses

Please TEXT: 0757 2768 795

For further information