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Welcome to our new internet version of the old paper format Unique Property Bulletin. We add unusual buildings for sale directly onto this front page every few days for you to consider. Also worth keeping an eye on the Facebook & Twitter pages. Plus our editor includes EXTRA unique properties and news to his Facebook timeline; so you may like to keep an eye on what our editor features from that BIG box of Unique Properties: Click Here.

Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Addition: 29th September 2019

Can Unique Property Bulletin Cure Your Brexit Headaches?

Whether you are a Brexit supporter or Remainer, we have to confess: we are not too keen on touching the most toxic debate in 50 years? Maybe if it was less barky, less bitey and more cute… 

A Friend Got In Touch & Asked If We Knew…

How Brexit Will Affect Brits Who Live In The EU?

Unique Property Bulletin guarantees there will be life after Brexit – whatever your viewpoint. We bet 85% of folk want to see some light at the end of the Brexit tunnel. Our resident legal beagle thinks he has found a way for you to find something nice, new and happy after this past three years’ of Brexit brain-overload.

Our website founder actually has some legal beagle training when he was being house-trained (c’mon, give us that pun). Although not quite the right flavour of law to exactly answer a plea for help from one of our UK readers. Our friend just wishes to live life in the UK and EU as he and his EU based partner have been doing. In double-checking our reply, our website founder (a former plod) came across something fascinating.

To torture the puppy metaphor, Russ McLean dug and dug… until something was unearthed that seemed to infer whatever headaches happen with Brexit, hard-boiled, soft-boiled or medium-rare, there appear to be grandfather (and grandmother) rights of residency for Brits wanting to live in both the UK & EU. But you will need to buy a home in the EU pretty quickly!

Unique Property Bulletin discovered…

Very valuable words. From Official UK Government Guidance.

Source: Here and Here.

This wording looks very dry and bland. So we have added some appropriate pictorial colour that might actually become part of your life and our friend’s lifestyle. If you are keen on retaining unfettered access between the UK and EU, then perhaps a little bit of studying might be in order? You could well come out smelling of roses. Or even Tulips…

Can You Cure Your Personal Brexit Fears?

We think perhaps you may be able to banish the Brexit blues, whether you are pro or anti this Brexit phenomenon.

Unique Property Bulletin is not just about unusual buildings and places to call home. We also enjoy exotic lifestyles. So do thousands of our readers. Many of whom have become enduring and lifelong friends.

By chance, the topic of Brexit came up with one of our Unique Property Bulletin pals, Peter. He is worried about protecting his business between the UK and the EU. Peter had served as a soldier in the British Army and was stationed in Münster. He has a relationship with a lady from Holland. Since leaving the army he very much enjoys life in Germany + the Netherlands and back in Old Blighty. We commend Peter on his glamorous and appealing style of life. Peter is very happy and now far removed from an angry man with three stripes making him march around a big piece of tarmac.

An Angry RSM In Your Face.

Oft heard with the refrain…

“Stop marching with your arms waving around like a windmill you ‘orrible little squaddie”.

With more than a little irony in respect to his former regimental sergeant major, Peter has asked us to help him locate an actual windmill to buy. Though the Brexit issue is a real life worry for our friend.

Windmills Are Scarce

After several conversations, our Unique Property Bulletin website founder, Russ McLean is of the view that those amongst our readership who live a life such as Peter: between the UK and the EU., many would be well advised to read through the official government information that relates to EU residency for British citizens…

An Old Photo of Russ McLean, During Service on the Island of Islay.

Long before he hung up his handcuffs, Strathclyde Police trained this old plod well. Anyone who works in law will likely advise you that it is not a case of knowing every law, but being able to find the relevant passages of law, locate precedent, read and absorb fine print.

In this segment, Russ believes found dome fine print he hopes will be of help to Peter. There may be a way for those amongst our readership who have a bit of worry as to their ability to live and work in the UK and the EU unhindered by the B-word. Perhaps start by reading the UK Brexit pages that cover this precise issue…

Click Here

Learn About Solving Your Brexit Dilemma

One final nugget in this segment. Russ and the UPB crew here have so far been unable to find Peter and his new partner a suitable windmill to purchase. This is why the team here at UPB-HQ love volunteering on this publication. There are a lot of decent folk about who help each other.

One of those is Anna from Holland. During a conversation with Anna a few days after hearing or Peter’s plight, Russ discovered Anna has a Houseboat for sale in Edam towards the north-eastern coastline of Holland…  

Houseboat For Sale.

In the EU.

This home afloat is within a 30 minute commute to Schiphol International Airport.

A unique property that might just help to keep your residency in the EU.

Houseboat For Sale.

In The EU.

A little bit of reading may hand you your own set of keys to Europe and the UK…

For further details of this Dutch Houseboat for sale...

Click Here

Please consider mentioning that you found this in Unique Property Bulletin.

Many thanks.

In deference to both Brexit supporters and Remainers, here at Unique Property Bulletin, we are none too keen on politicians of any flavour. The charity we helped to register has been treated dreadfully by politicians. So we are apolitical. The article above is given in good faith. Readers will by necessity need to educate themselves as to their position living abroad in the EU. If in doubt, please can you obtain professional advice to satisfy yourself as to the veracity of details and sources above when combined with your own situation. Thanks.

Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 22nd September 2019

Do You Want To Know A Secret?

Do you fancy finding a tasty unique building in your area?

Click Here 

For Our Special Feature Article

Learn how to find unique buildings such as this water tower: guided at just…


(though this tower lot made a more – details later on)

This is just one of many unusual buildings we find.

Now you can use some of our techniques to find your favourite flavour of amazing building AND for sale in  our location NEAR TO YOU.

Now, with the Unique Property Bulletin “Secrets” article, you can read up on techniques to find unusual buildings for sale in your area of the country. Maybe worth spending a modest £3.65 to read the article. This can be done via our pay-per-view service (that helps this not-for-profit website)…

Click Here For Some of Our Secrets.

With direct access to our Special Feature Article


Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 18th September 2019

For Sale

UKWMO Nuclear Bunker Brundall, Norfolk, East Anglia

UKWMO Brundall is Constructed To This Standard Design

Artist Illustration: C. Greg Smith

Going down. Approximately 15 feet below the surface is an underground abode…

UKWMO Brundall, Norwich, Norfolk

Today is exactly 80 years since World War 2 broke out. By the end of that horrendous period in history, the nuclear bomb age had dawned.

Whatever problems we think we have today and during the current UK/EU raging debate, we are still a very long ways off of what our grandparents and great-grandparents must have worried about that fateful day on 3rd September 1939.

As editor of Unique Property Bulletin, I see many unusual places where people sleep and in this case do their duty for national service. Having been down one of these bunkers, they are claustrophobic and worse. The thought of being below ground whilst your family was being burnt by a nuclear attack is psychologically unbearable.

So it was a relief to hear that one of our UKWMO nuclear bunkers for sale folk had bought his for the kids!

Maybe not quite what you imagine with atomic mushrooms sprouting everywhere.

No, this Unique Property Bulletin reader loved to go camping in the family tent, but the kids were none too keen. So when he bought one of these underground rooms; when he and his wife got caught in the rain, rather than have the children miserable, they got to go below ground to a real-life adventure place and play video games in the relatively warm and dry bunker. Parents, please resist the temptation to close and lock the bomb -proof hatch if your weans misbehave. Camping is supposed to be fun, not an open invite for social services!

Maybe Restrict What The Kids Have on The Playstation To Avoid Nightmares in The Bunker

Our nuclear bunker owning friend had a dozen good years of camping until the kids went off to college and probably the best use of one of these strange subterranean structures I have ever heard of. Better still, this anecdote actually resulted in more of our UKWMO bunker owners following the example and go camping at the bunker.

So from this end of the Unique Property Bulletin keyboard, good luck if you are looking to buy this underground bunker in Norfolk, and maybe invest in an old submarine periscope for the kids to keep them entertained below decks whilst you and your partner get rained on in the chilly, windy tent!

So with your family tent firmly established on your piece of above-ground grassy knoll here is what you can expect below ground…

UKWMO Brundall, Norwich, Norfolk

Location of UKWMO Brundall, Norfolk

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

Price Guide…


For further details and viewing arrangements of UKWMO Nuclear Bunker Brundall, please...

Click Here

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Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 12th September 2019

For Sale

The Old Chapel, Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 3LY

Guide: £425,000

We featured a converted chapel a few weeks ago and have had quite a lot of interest which surprises us a little as these are fairly utilitarian structures. Though pretty in their own way. The owner of this new offering in Northallerton has made a beautiful job of the conversion into a

3 Bedroom Detached Home

The Old Chapel, Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 3LY

As a result of several requests emanating from our readers in this area of the country, we have located another divine abode for the delectation of our readers.

The Old Chapel, Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 3LY

The Old Chapel, Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 3LY

The Old Chapel, Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 3LY

The Old Chapel, Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL6 3LY

Location of: The Old Chapel, Ingleby Arncliffe, Northallerton.

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

Price Guide…


For further details and viewing arrangements for this chapel conversion, please...

Click Here

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Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 29th August 2019

For Sale

East Anglian Chapel in Great Snoring

Guide: £375,000

Fore Street, Bere Alston, Yelverton, Devon PL20 7AB




Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

For further details and several more photographs this chapel for sale can be studied: please just...

Click Here

Archive: Here

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 29th August 2019

For Sale

East Anglian Chapel in Great Snoring

Guide: £375,000

This is a former chapel, converted to provide three bedrooms with the master abode having an ensuite.

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

The Unique Property Club just bid to buy a similar church and we were endeavouring to explain one of the best ways of resolving the issue of putting a second storey into the existing structure. Particularly in a way that does not spoil, or at least minimises the impact in relation to the vaulted high ceilings. This cosy chapel solves that dilemma with style. To the upper left of this photograph, you can see two bedrooms with what is, in effect an inside Juliet Balcony (here). A nice feature.

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

Unique Property Bulletin has seen several converted chapels over the decades, but this one has a charm about it. A good honest and clean conversion with sympathy to the original function of this space. The folk that completed this project are to be commended.

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

The Loke, Fakenham Road, Great Snoring, Norfolk, NR21 0HQ

For further details and several more photographs this chapel for sale can be studied: please just...

Click Here

Archive: Here

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Addition: 23rd August 2019

For Sale

St James Church, Castle Eden, Durham, Hartlepool TS27 4SL

St James’ Church, Castle Eden, Durham, Hartlepool, TS27 4SL

St James’ Church, Castle Eden, Durham, Hartlepool, TS27 4SL

St James’ Church, Castle Eden, Durham, Hartlepool, TS27 4SL

St James’ Church, Castle Eden, Durham, Hartlepool, TS27 4SL

Location of St James’ Church

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

For further details and viewing arrangements of St James Church, please...

Contact GSC Grays Estate Agency

Tel: 01833 637000.

Or Phillidia Richardson

Tel: 01748 829219 or Text: 07939 226761. Text Enquiries Preferred.

Please consider mentioning that you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin.

Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 14th August 2019

Converted Water Tower For Sale, Lancashire

Guide Price £375,000

Floors 3 + 4 + 5, Plus Lift & Stair Access.

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

The current owner of this water tower bought it in 2011 and has invested a great amount of time, money and energy into this unique property conversion project. It has been a labour of love.

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

From our perspective here at Unique Property Bulletin, it is fascinating to study how the owner has added a passenger lift and stairway – with style. This makes it possible for you to own the 3 bedroom apartment on three floors.

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

An all important passenger lift has been installed.

The water tower flat is luxurious. Though as our own publication is in the middle of a major building renovation, what jumps off of the page is the luxury that the water tower owner has completed all the hard work for you. Getting the architect drawings sorted out. Overcoming the stair/lift access issues without ending up with thighs like superman or legmaster heroine super-hero from a Marvel movie. Getting the planning permission would have been “interesting”. Then the major conversion, with all trades onsite: builders, joiners, scaffolders, roofers, cladders, electricians, plumbers decorators etc. Uniquely for most builds is the purchase and installation of an actual lift!

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Indeed to the volunteer crew here at Unique Property Bulletin, were this water tower nearer to our regional HQ in Carnoustie, we would be making the owner an offer as the three bedroom penthouse can readily be converted into a two bed with a home-study. In today’s world of internet business, we have learnt the hard way that the world wide web is very powerful. This publication is having to be deliberately kept on a quieter level until we complete our “Angels’ Share” project and create an annuity to underwrite employee staff wages. This publication is a prime example of the accidental successes that begin in the spare bedroom, garage, or in the cast of this water tower, a home-study.

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Back to the narrative of this listing. The current owner bought the shell in 2011 and has dedicated himself to making this a genuinely unique home. We commend him on a top quality and simply amazing outcome.

There is a lounge, kitchen, dining room, bathroom, and three bedrooms. The master bedroom has an ensuite bathroom. There would also appear to be an extra bit of space above which you might like to chat to the owner about as that has some interesting potential! The standard of work is high and whoever buys this towering project will have a genuinely unique home ready to move into.

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Master bedroom with ensuite shower room and wc.

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Family Bathroom

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Private internal stairs to access the upper two floors of this duplex apartment.

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Bedroom 2

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Bedroom 3 or possibly a home-office with a view…

Garden Space Also Included

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

The owner has managed to retain a great amount of the space inside the tower by adding an external staircase and passenger lift. A style that is understated but definitely is now within the DNA of this once empty tired redundant tower.

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

Water Tower, Pinfold Road, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 2AZ

The Floorplans Above Are Given In Good Faith But Not Necessarily To Scale.

Location of Pinfold Road Water Tower

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

For further details and several more photographs of the converted Water Tower, please...

Click Here

Archived Details: Here

Or telephone estate agent Arnold & Phillips: 01695 570102

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Addition: 8th August 2019

Please Can You Help Unique Property Bulletin?

We are looking to find a new headquarter office to buy.

Are you up for the challenge to assist us in the search?

A modest £100 finders fee is ready for you.

Unique Property Bulletin accidentally sold the headquarter building (Old Engine House at Noss Head Lighthouse Station). We are now looking to buy a replacement unique property 250 miles further south and have a crisp £100 note, as a finder’s fee, payable to any reader who succeeds in helping us locate our new office HQ. We have cash waiting to buy the best candidate building. Thanks.

Click Here

To read about the £100 finders fee and how you might be able to help. A bit like a game of Monopoly + The Times Crossword + Cluedo for Unique Property.

Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Addition: 4th August 2019

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire

Guide Price £380,000

Interesting Property. A Habitable Part + Planning Permission For 6 x Unique Homes.

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD

This Grade II Listed Georgian Property; Iscoed Mansion is well known in Wales for both its location and history. The property is understood to be designed by Anthony Keck, once home to General Sir Thomas Picton.

The mortal remains of General Picton are interred at St Paul’s Cathedral. Not sure if the spiritual parts are rattling around Iscoed Mansion. Depends on your belief system.

The Duke of Wellington was not exactly a fan of Sir Thomas with one quote in the unflattering terms…

Picton is a rough foul-mouthed devil as ever lived.

But the old Duke found his general capable, so all okay there then!

Source: here.

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD

Mansion House: Requiring full restoration providing an opportunity for conversion to commercial use, subject to relevant consent.

Courtyard: Full Planning Permission to provide six separate dwellings and is valid for five years from May 2015; ref: W/16234Part of the property is habitable and would make a great base for someone wanting to embark upon a unique property adventure creating several more homes on this historic site.

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD

Quite a comfortable base within this magnificent set of ruins to emerge phoenix again.  

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD

Along the private pathway into another world of handsome faded glory just waiting for a new beginning.

Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD


Iscoed Mansion, Ferryside, Carmarthenshire, SA17 5YD

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

For further details and several more photographs and estate agent contact details of the Iscoed Mansion, please...

Click Here

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 24th July 2019

Canvey Island: Octagon Style House For Sale

Guide Price £600,000

Nice Price. Definitely Unique Home. London Commutable. Interesting…

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Otherwise described as Octagon House. A new name is within the buyer’s gift.

This is a remarkable and eye-catching octagon style house. It has:-

3 Main Bedrooms.


Dining Room.


Large Utility Room.

Family Bathroom.

Master Bedroom Ensuite.


Ground Floor Shower & w.c.

Well Maintained Gardens.


The Annexe has:-

1 Bedroom.

Ensuite Shower + W.C.



Without a doubt, a great deal of property for the guide price of £600,000…

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Regular visitors to the Unique Property Bulletin website will know this is a free facility run by volunteers. We all live in unusual buildings ourselves and are enthusiastic for our readers to have that opportunity too. As of July 2019, we are fine-tuning our coverage and concentrating on photographs, rather than excessive flowery estate agency narrative. After all, a picture can often paint a thousand words. So from July onwards, we will be lightening the “deceptively spacious” style of description. Our readers can always study the estate agency website for the full details, measurements etc.

Our job is to give our readers the heads-up when an interesting property appears for sale. Best wishes, Unique Property Bulletin Team

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Dutch Cottage, Ferndale Crescent, Canvey Island, Essex, SS8 0AR

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

For further details and several more photographs and estate agent contact details of the Octagon House at Canvey Island, please...

Click Here

Archived: Here

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 21st July 2019

Grand Designs Castle £85,000 Price Reduction

As of 21st July 2019 we can advise that the Grand Designs episode that featured Dinton Folley has had the building for sale REDUCED in price by 10% from £850,000 to £765,000. Here are some of the “before” and “after” photographs so you can have a taste of what has been achieved with this neatly arranged pile of old bricks…

Dinton Castle, Oxford Road, Dinton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP17 8TX

The original cost of the land and ruin was £100,000. Several media reports that the cost of refurbishment was £300,000. There was a great deal of work and effort by the owners in the form of sweat equity.

Even so, with £400,000 as the general cost to get to the completed project, we reckon that the current £765,000 might be “flexible”.

Indeed the Unique Property Bulletin HQ are sorely tempted to make an offer starting with the either a “5” for cash! However, our job is to report (most of the time) so that you can have some fun looking at what may be your next home.

Dinton Castle, Oxford Road, Dinton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP17 8TX  (Possibly HP17 8UX)

Above is a “before” photo. Below is a “during” renovation picture…

Dinton Castle, Oxford Road, Dinton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP17 8TX

Here are a couple of “after” renovation photographs…

Dinton Castle, Oxford Road, Dinton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP17 8TX

Dinton Castle, Oxford Road, Dinton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP17 8TX

National Treasure Kevin McCleod during one of his Grand Designs visits to the owners and restorers of this, particularly handsome and unique building. 

Dinton Castle, Oxford Road, Dinton, Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, HP17 8TX

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

For further details and several more photographs plus floorplans, the Grand Designs For Sale & Dinton Castle Folley can be studied...

Click Here

Archived: Here

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Update: 19th July 2019


Now back to normal, but regular readers are reminded that…




Each of the two near-identical Unique Property Bulletin websites listed above, are hosted by entirely separate web service providers. If the rare occurrence happens when the .org site goes offline, just change the suffix to (and vice versa) – then you will be 99.999% guaranteed to find us permanently online.

Earlier advisory… 

Our Lighthouses For Sale + Scotslion

+ UPS Websites Are Temporarily Offline – Back To Normal


Please can our Lighthouses For Sale readers (and Scotslion + UPS website folk) be advised: due to technical issues this morning (19-7-19), our sister websites are currently experiencing difficulties with the Rochen Host providor and are OFFLINE. Fortunately, we operate a somewhat old fashioned approach and have a backup website service host in Iceland (the country not the supermarket). Hence this Unique Property Bulletin site is STILL online and fully functional whilst the version at Rochen is having Rentokilt in to get rid of the gremlins.

If the outage on our sister websites goes on for more than 12 hours, we will start to create temporary LHFS + UPS + Scotslion pages on this Unique Property Bulletin website. Meanwhile, our readers and UPS members are welcome to text or telephone: 0793 557 2803.

The internet is great when it works. But when this happens, it really sucks…


Thank goodness that prehistoric old IT dinosaur Russ opted to secure TWO separate webhost services. If you operate a website, please think about ensuring a SAFTEY BACKUP service at a second (lifeboat) internet hosting service. Telephone us if you need help with that.

The Unique Property Bulletin group of websites is VERY lucky in we have one of the BEST internet guys around…

Mr Steve B., our internet genius is brilliant and if we could, we would have an O.B.E., medal awarded to him for services helping to keep Unique Property Bulletin website volunteers sane.

One way or another, the temporarily offline websites will be back online. Our apologies for any inconvenience.

To be absolutely clear, this page and this Unique Property Bulletin BACKUP website is still fully functional. Please enjoy.

Best wishes, the UPB Team.


Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Addition: 16th July 2019

Converted Police Station For Sale

This Fine Example of An Old Nick Is Sentenced For £425,000.

A Case of Serendipity, Sleuthing & Securing Your Sanctuary.

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

A few days ago, I was chatting to a friend about old Dixon of Dock Green episodes and the kindly bobby on the beat actor portrayed by the inimitable Jack Warner. This directly led to today’s latest listing. A converted police station – and a fine looking one at that. So much so, it has been sculpted by a world class ornament maker.

Actor Jack Warner In His Most Famous Role: Dixon of Dock Green

My friend, Keith I’Anson, was chatting away about “old school” style policing. Jack Warner personified that. The series ran for 432 episodes, from 1955 to 1976 and was one of the reasons I ended up joining up in 1983. Later in the day today, whilst sleuthing about for a fresh listing to add to this Bulletin, I couldn’t get the Dixon theme tune out of my head. Anyway, it must have affected the old cranial cogs as our feature property ended up being detected as a result. Serendipity for someone out there. Our batting average for introducing unique property buyers and sellers is getting better as time lags by. No time off for good behaviour at this end of things either. Moved over from plodding beats and blue-light-landrovers to a more sedate tapping of keyboards and arresting the odd cop-shop.

Unique Property Bulletin Editor, Former Police Officer Russ McLean Arresting Two Friends.

A Very Old Grainy Photograph From The 1980s.

It is strange how a totally random conversation with a good friend can result in a fair chance of introducing one of our readers to their new home. Even by Unique Property Bulletin standards, this is a bit bizarre. I was gifted a model of a police station around 1998 and it has been sitting in the office for years. We actually ran a series of competitions in the main Bulletin, with a different genre of building/ornament given away each week as the prize. Here is the one from our UPB-HQ shelf (it was an inbound present from a previous career so never made it properly onto the Unique Property Bulletin prize list) …

Lilliput Land Model of A Police Station (here and here)

Now today, 16th July 2019, I’ve also been looking for old police stations to buy for the new UPB-HQ offices so that our small team, including Keith, can get up to mischief renovating a unique property for the eponymous Bulletin. Then all of a sudden, what should appear on my radar but the actual police station that the highly popular Lilliput Lane ornament was modelled on…

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

It took a moment to register that we had this very police station in model form on the office shelf.

Photo courtesy of Humphrey Bolton.

I knew this actual police station reminded me of somewhere. A chronic case of deja vu all day. Then I looked across the office and a small version of it was sitting a few feet away from me, as it had done for 20 years! The models currently retail for between £10 and £60. The actual building is a tad more at £425,000. But it has been fully renovated and converted from a cop shop to a very comfortable home…

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

This particular police station for sale in Preston wouldn’t suit our own unique property club efforts. But it may be a handsome catch for someone living in that area. If I was wanting to move to Lancashire, this would be on my identity parade. How about you? Seriously, if you do buy this, please let us know (UPB: Tel/Text: 0793 557 2803). Thanks.

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The completed conversion of this blue light home has the current rooms configured as…

Three Bedrooms
Two Reception Rooms
Bespoke Family Kitchen
Family Bathroom
Garage / Parking
Private Walled Garden

There is also a contemporary two-storey extension that has been added.

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

We are still trying to work out which rooms were used as the old police cells. The old anecdote about having a “secure” granny flat for the mother-in-law still appeal to some buyers.

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

The Old Police Station: Floorplan For Guidance Given In Good Faith. Please Do Not Scale.

The Old Police Station: Floorplan For Guidance Given In Good Faith. Please Do Not Scale.

The Old Police Station, Lancaster New Road, Cabus, Preston, Lancashire, PR3 1AD

Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

Exquisite Detailing on These Old Ornaments: Cabus Police Station Preston.

Actual Items Available For Purchase: Here.

There Is Something Reassuring Having A Blue Lamp Outside Your House

Photo: Russ McLean

For further details and the estate agent’s of the REAL police station at Lancaster New Road, please...

Click Here

Archived: Here

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Listing: 11th July 2019

Converted Water Tower For Sale

This Water Tower Guide At: £1,500,000.

Unique Property Bulletin are looking for the BEFORE versions of various unique structures AND the ECCENTRIC folk who renovate them to appear on a new television programme format hosted by architect and television presenter Mr George Clarke. For example here is one that featured on an earlier television episode…

The new series format is close to our hearts, in that it centres upon “unique” property of the style and genre to detailed in these pages for the past 26 years.

Converting an A to Z of Unique Properties to Homes: Air Control Towers, Barns, Castles, Distilleries, Engine Houses, Follies, Gun Towers, Hotels, Islands, Jails, Keeper’s Cottages, Lighthouses, Monorial Ruins, Nuclear Bunkers, Oast Houses, Police Stations, Railways Stations, Signal Boxes, Telephone Booster Stations, Underground Dwellings, Zoos. 

If you have a project ready to start and you are interested in sharing the progress of your unique property conversion via George Clarke’s new television series, please consider getting in touch with us. Text or telephone 0793 557 2803.

Meanwhile, we have this exquisite water tower conversion which was featured on George Clarke’s Amazing Spaces series (click here).

As for Cromwell Water Tower, this building was originally featured in Unique Property Bulletin during July 2012 (here) at £335,000. In fact that link illustrates the extensive back-catalogue of unusual properties that are currently online and form a useful treasure chest for anyone looking to buy an interesting building that may have fallen off of the radar.

Several older listings in earlier Unique Property Bulletin are no longer actively for sale. But if you dig into our back-issue archives and write a courteous letter you may secure a brilliant new home. If perchance, you reach the owner at just the right time, when they may be considering re-listing their property.

We know this is true and works as we have followed our own advice and bought unique properties out of old issues of the Bulletin.

Onto this latest addition…

Cromwell Tower For Sale…

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Here at Unique Property Bulletin we have seen many water towers over the years, but this example for sale is, as Sheldon Cooper might say: Brobdingnagian. The price tag is quite meaty, but you are getting a lot of building for your money.

6 Floors.

6 Bedrooms.

4 Reception Rooms.

5 Bathrooms.


Roof Terrace.

Secondary Accommodation.

Our own view, given we featured this building in 2012, guided at £335,000 and the fact it seems to have hung around on the for sale lists for OVER A YEAR…

…since being put up for sale – we would recommend buyers consider an opening offer around £950,000. The owners’ would likely cough and splutter over their morning cornflakes (and curse our website). But this may well help start negotiations which is far better than this magnificent home laying in the doldrums. The ideal is to meet in the middle. In our bones we reckon the price should sit around the £1,250,000 mark. Opening your offer just under the million may facilitate both parties to approach each other towards a financial sweet-spot where a sale/purchase could result.

Here are a selection of photographs to illustrate what a million pound+ water tower conversion looks like… 

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

This 75ft-high water tower – with more than 14,000sq ft of floorspace, was built in 1930 for the Corporation of Coventry and decommissioned in 2004. It was originally bought for just £25,000 at auction in 2009, but without planning permission.

The first private owner obtained planning permission and sold it to the current owners, as a post-industrial shell, in 2013. The current owners then spent quite a lot of time, effort and money to bring this old structure back to a meanigful life…

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

This building was converted in 2016 from a redundant water tower and retains a wealth of original features combined with contemporary fixtures and fittings, making this an outstanding 21st century home. EPC rating: C,

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

The ground floor has a reception hall, gives access to a self-contained guest suite. The suite, which can also be accessed externally through its own private entrance, comprises a sitting room, kitchen, double bedroom and shower room and would be ideal for multi-generational living. 



Cromwell Tower: Ground Floor

Cromwell Tower: First Floor

Cromwell Tower: Second Floor

Cromwell Tower: Third Floor

Cromwell Tower: Fourth Floor & Tank Room – Ready For Your Ideas

Cromwell Tower: Roof Terrace

There is an open-plan kitchen breakfast room that flows into the sitting room with floor to ceiling sliding doors opening out onto a terrace. A separate dining room completes the first floor accommodation making this floor a central space for entertaining. Both the second and third floors provide the bedroom space. The master bedroom suite offers extensive luxury having a large double bedroom, sitting room, dressing room and en suite bathroom. The fourth floor incorporates the tank room. Yet to be utilised, this space, approaching approximately 3,200 sq ft, offers a purchaser plenty of scope to incorporate this into the accommodation however they may decide. (subject to the necessary planning consents).

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

This tank room has yet to be utilised. If the new owners are thinking of a gym or fitness suite plus games room, this has already been completed on the other levels…

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

The roof is an exceptional feature. and has 360 degree views across the countryside.

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

There are a number of feature from the tower including the original central spiral staircase (no longer in use), depth gauges and exposed stone work along with a recognition of the original use from the 1930s Art Deco period…

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Map Courtesy of Google Inc

As a way to give some perspective on the size and floor area of this 6 floor water tower, we have included an aerial view so readers can compare a “standard” detached house size/footprint nearby to the area of floor space that Cromwell Tower utilises (please remember this circular area has six levels and the neighbouring houses are particularly large and of executive quality)…

Cromwell Tower, Cromwell Lane, Burton Green, Kenilworth, Warwickshire, CV8 1PN

Cromwell Water Tower: Guide: £1,500,000.

For further details and the estate agent’s contact page (here) and…

Click Here

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


If Cromwell Tower at £1,500,000 is a little too handsome on the price level, then we have a much slender windmill conversion at a third of the price to offer for our readers’ consideration…

Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Listing: 7th July 2019

Renovated Grade 2 Listed Windmill For Sale

Guide: £550,000.

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

This was a working mill around 111 years ago. Then it became a tad run down. The four distinctive sails lost. The roof and cap became leaky. After years laying fallow, and then the commitment of a lot of tender loving care, this is now a beautiful home. It will also save you a fortune in gym membership as it has more stairs than your thighs will know what to do with. Brief summary…

2 reception rooms
3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Private Parking

The mill ceased working around 1908 and now provides a magnificent home filled with character (and eccentric characters if you are anything like our crew at the Unique Property Bulletin). The newly configured residential accommodation is arranged over five floors. The views across country-side become more spectacular at each ascending level. Whilst height has visual rewards across green fields, the ground, or rather first-floor entrance level has character too. The former windmill has had a style of sail-deck reinstated…. 

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

The upper ground floor level, on the side of the mill, has a covered veranda providing outside sitting area and relatively private views to the garden.

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

To the upper ground floor is a dining area and a hall with and cloakroom off.

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

A bespoke fitted kitchen with hand made units. Replete with Rangemaster cooker and space and plumbing for appliances.

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

On the first floor is a double bedroom with built-in bookcase, wardrobe and en suite shower room. On the second floor is a further bedroom with built-in cupboard and shower room and on the top floor, an office/study with views to all sides. This room could be used as a further bedroom or lounge, and there is access to the roof space.

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY


The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

The photograph above appears to show a home-office study. Spot the spiral windmill staircase entrance to the left. Along with the view from the window to the right of the photograph and it looks like you may work from atop a windmill. Ideal for running your website. That’s how we started. Find something you are passionate about. Locate one of the buildings where you would love to live. Go online. 7 years later, hey presto. For our part we live and work in a lighthouse building. You too could follow a similar path to your unique home + work + life.

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

A block paved driveway with shrubs and mature trees leads to the garage and parking. The gardens are principally walled, with box parterre, lawn and mature trees and shrubs. The garden is west facing, bright and secluded.

The Old Mill, Church Lane, Thurlaston, Rugby, CV23 9JY

Floorplan: The Old Mill. Please Don Not Scale

A little research has found some remarkable photographs to illustrate what this windmill used to look like. One picture from around 1908 and another circa 1955, effectively illustrating “before” and “after” when compared to the contemporary pictures taken recently by the estate agent…

Thurlaston Windmill. 1955 (c) Rugby Library/Heritage Lottery.
No Reproduction Unless: here
Sadly, by the mid-twentieth century, the sails had been lost and the building became a dilapidated ruin. Travel back in time to 1908, and Thurlaston Windmill looked in it’s prime. You can almost smell the bread being made from the nearby miller’s house (not included: bread nor windy miller’s cottage)…
Thurlaston Windmill. 1908 (c) Rugby Library/Heritage Lottery.
No Reproduction Unless: here
A style of sail deck has been partially reinstated at a lower level in the renovated mill tower; possibly as an homage to what once served a very important function. As if to contrast the last century with this, we have a video montage to follow the sepia style photography of 111 years ago…

Thurlaston Windmill: Estate Agent Video Style Presentation

There is a lot of history within the walls of this amazing windmill home…

Can You See It? A Worker Left Their Autograph From When This Windmill Was Built.

Location Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

This windmill is turnkey ready for new owners and were it nearer to the Unique Property Bulletin HQ, we would seriously be considering making an offer. But for this segment, we wish those who go to view this thoughtful conversion bon chance…

Guide: £550,000.

For further photographs…

Click Here

Or telephone Knight Frank (James Way): 01789 206 950

Please mention you found this building in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.


Unique Property Bulletin – News: 17th June 2019

UKWMO Bunker Soon For Sale


A UKWMO Bunker owner just telephoned Unique Property Bulletin

Long story short, we will be posting an underground UKWMO bunker in the NORTHAMPTONSHIRE area for sale here, on this site in the next week or so.

This ADVANCE NOTICE is to ensure that as many of our regular dedicated readers as possible have as much time as we can manage to help them prepare to make an offer on one of these rare UKWMO underground bunkers. We have been asked by several “preppers” to provide more notice. Hence this posting.

We have no skin in the game. We don’t charge any fees. This is a free, not-for-profit website run by volunteers. To those on social media who have never visited our Unique Property Bulletin before and have a problem being polite, please exercise a little self-control. Thank you.

Graphic Courtesy of The Talented Bob Marshall

If you are looking to buy one of these rare bunkers, please keep an eye on this page.

Many thanks and best wishes,

The Unique Property Team.


Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Addition: 16th June 2019

Castle Ruin For Renovation

Guide: £500,000.

Grade II Listed Castle For Sale

We would try a cheeky offer nearer to £400,000.

Plas Gwynfryn, Llanystumdwy, Criccieth, Gwynedd, LL52 0LU

As the Unique Property Bulletin’s main office is in a lighthouse station, we naturally wanted to see the new movie from Gerard Butler titled: The Vanishing. It is a deeply dark production. The tangential road from that film led us to understand that Mr Butler is looking to buy a castle in his native Scotland. We have several private sales from vendors not wishing to place their pile on the public domain. So if Mr Butler is still looking he is welcome to get in touch and we would be delighted to make best efforts to assist in locating a suitable castle in Scotland.

Mr Gerard Butler In The Recent Unique Lighthouse Movie: The Vanishing (Here)

However, for this listing, here is what we like to describe as a neatly arranged pile of bricks. Plus some exquisite masonry…

Just Look At Those Handsome Stones

Indeed that stonework alone is well worth a large chink of the £500,000 guide price. We have been lucky enough to employ modern day stone masons and they have produced exquisite work. But it is not a cheap thing to commission. So having so much of the finished masonry in situ already will give the new owner a decent start.

Plas Gwynfryn, Llanystumdwy, Criccieth, Gwynedd, LL52 0LU

Just looking at the detail, this castle really has beautifully crafted stonework. The bones are there and the local planning authority are minded to look favourably on renovation proposals – provided the facade and features from the original construction are preserved and saved from further decay. We reckon the most viable outcome is for 4 to 8 apartments in the completed project. There are many more folk who can afford say £225,000 for a completed wing of this Brobdingnagian castle restoration than just one owner who will likely end up spending between £1,500,000 to £2,500,000 in total to restore the property.

Plas Gwynfryn, Llanystumdwy, Criccieth, Gwynedd, LL52 0LU

Built around 1876, Plas Gwynfryn was at one time the home of Ellis Nanney, an MP, narrowly and famously defeated by Lloyd George in 1880. Incidentally, the original plan drawing have recently been saved and form an incredibly valuable reference source in the work required to restore original features.

Plas Gwynfryn, Llanystumdwy, Criccieth, Gwynedd, LL52 0LU

During the war Plas Gwynfryn was pressed into service as a military hospital. Thereafter an orphanage and more latterly as a hotel. Sadly this fine building was gutted by fire in 1982 and is awaiting a knight in shining armour, or possibly Gerard Butler in one of his major Hollywood roles. Though Mr Butler has mentioned he favours a Scottish castle to be close to family members back home and this pile is in Wales, or Whales as the president likes to call it.

Plas Gwynfryn – Video Presentation

Location Map Courtesy of Google Inc.

This particular castle is a magnificent ruin. As such it will absorb tons and tons of money to bring it back to a meaningful life.

Guide: £500,000.

For further photographs…

Click Here

Or telephone the estate agency: 01286 510103


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Best wishes. The Unique Property Bulletin Team.


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