Nuclear Bunker For Sale

Sedbergh Nuclear Bunker For Auction

Guide: £15,000

(Also known as an: ROC UKWMO Bunker)

Here at Unique Property Bulletin Ltd., it is always an enjoyable treat for us, every few days when we get to update the: Plus the regular elements, such as unique property “features and finds” that almost exclusively end up on our social media pages: click here. A lot of the excitement here, is we never quite know what curious buildings are going to be shared with us by our readers. You have done us proud today as quite a lot of folk have been looking for one of these underground ROC UKWMO bunkers and this one has a very special extra thing included.

It is very important, especially for new readers to understand our aim is to bring you interesting buildings and properties, but please notewe are NOT an estate agency NOR auction house. We are a group of friends who share details of interesting finds on this, our not-for-profit Unique Property Bulletin.

We are now delighted to show you our favourite and exquisite graphic that has been created by the talented Mr Bob Marshall. Please do not reproduce this artwork without the appropriate licence from Mr Marshall, available: Click here and  here.

^^ An Iconic ROC UKWMO Underground Bunker ^^

^^ & Pretty Definitive 3-D Cutaway Artwork Too ^^

Reproduced Under The Creative Commons Protocol
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Click Here

Full Attribution Is Given With Considerable
Thanks To The Author, Mr Bob Marshall


IMPORTANT ADVISORY: We have the comfort of knowing that the Sedbergh Bunker in Cumbria has been maintained in a VERY GOOD condition. However, of the approximate 1,500 of these structures in the UK, several are structurally unsafe, others may have toxic gas or mould spores built up (underground) over many years. PLEASE do NOT “urban explore” UKWMO bunkers without first checking the safety and credentials with the owner first. Thank you.


We Are Pleased To Share Details of:

Sedbergh ROC UKWMO Bunker

Here is one of our readers’ favourites and it has a definite unique feature that the other bunkers lacked. Full details further into this page…

^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here


If you would like to bid and/or view/buy the Nuclear/ROC/UKWMO Bunker featured on this page, please contact the excellent auctioneer: Eddisons/SDL Auctions (all contact details at the foot of this article).

On the important subject of seller’s estate agents and auction houses and how this can favourably or adversely affect buyers, here is an important note for you. our reader. On the 28th February 2020 we purchased the new offices for this Unique Property Bulletin publication (via our sister company and the building it owns: click here). We had such a horrendous time due to one of the Scottish auction houses costing us £15,000 that we now study and advise on every Trustpilot review for our readers.

This is important: we do not want our readers and friends put in the same harm’s way. We actually begged Future Property Auctions to address the serious concerns that their customers had three years ago: click here. Frustratingly, Future Property Auctions seem to have gotten WORSE. Today’s Trustpilot high-volume-bad-service is an incredibly poor 63% – click here. Even other review-sites give Future Property Auctions a dire feedback. Three years ago: here and now: here

So we are not going to place our own readers in the hands of a problematic estate agency/auctioneer by casually including poorly rated companies such as Future Property Auctions.

Especially, given the fact that between 10,000 (click here) and 186,000 of our readers (here) visit Unique Property Bulletin regularly. We want you to feel safe when you look at buying buildings we share for you here at the Bulletin. Ironically, had the poorly trusted auctioneer in Scotland not lost us £15,000, we might have deployed that £15,000 of ours in a bid for Sedbergh bunker. C’est la vie, c’est la guerre.



Good News On The Auctioneer of Sedbergh Bunker

Fortunately, we are particularly happy to report that SDL Property Auctions hold a very respectable rating of 86% (here), with a good to very good rating spectrum or around 96%. 

Declaration of interest: The crew of volunteers at Unique Property Bulletin have known SDL Property Auctions for many years and always enjoy excellent service from the team there. So we would give a five star rating at 99% (the highest we ever go).

^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker: Aerial Drone Photograph ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here


On the important topic of seller-credentials: the owner of Sedbergh Bunker in Cumbria as featured in this article, has been a reader of ours for several years and we have found him to be a very decent and fair minded gentleman. This is based on many hours of discussions over several years (and help from the seller to keeping Unique Property Bulletin alive and kicking). So we have no reservations on that matter either.


^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Access Hatch Marked With A Red Arrow ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here

With respect to this actual underground bunker. We have actually been to Dent Station a few years ago. The location is particularly pleasant.

The bunker is one of the more interesting ones that we have featured over the past three decades. This bunker has land to park a vehicle. Plus the above-ground and the below-ground elements are in well kept order, given the age and semi subterranean nature of the building.

^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here

^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here
. . 

^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here

^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here


^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here



^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker: Main Hatch & Adjacent Shed ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here



^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker: Adjacent Shed ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here



^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker: Adjacent Shed ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here




^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker Surroundings ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here



^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker Surroundings ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here



^^ Dent Railway Station ^^

It is possible to walk from here to the Sedbergh Bunker

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here


^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here


^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker: Plan Drawing ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here



^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker Surroundings ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here

^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker: Signage ID ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria, LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here


Rare Bonus

BT Openreach Telephone Landline Connected

Broadband Should Be Available

The owner has wisely paid for the BT Openreach telephone landline to remain connected for many years.

This appeals to us as it is entirely possible to work, via the internet, from this bunker.

Furthermore, as has been seen in other (very expensive European and American bunkers) some owners have installed flat screen televisions linked to CCTV outside. Then these bunker owners have framed those televisions to look like windows to a bright, sunlit pleasant world outside.

Virtual Window Underground

^^ Creating A “Virtual View” Via A Wall Mounted ^^

Flat Screen Television “Window” Underground

Excerpt From HOU~ZZ. Source: Click Here


Here at Unique Property Bulletin, we have been helping our readers’ find these types of ROC UKWMO underground bunkers for three decades. But this is the first we have found that still has its telephone landline maintained and “live.” This make it possible to stay in this bunker in a way hitherto only dreamt about.

The functioning landline also enables the internet capability of having one of the “virtual windows” that relay real-time video from wherever you like and to a Trompe-l’œil effect (here) via the “virtual window.”

A wee confession: one of our job-creation projects (the daytime job not the volunteering on this Bulletin) is bringing old closed-shops, shut-hotels and derelict-factories back to life; renovating each building, then re-opening each one and creating the renewed jobs in a way where they are viable. We are as passionate about that Accidental Success of bringing closed/tired High Streets back to life (click here) as we are about this Unique Property Bulletin lasting 40 years and still going strong, with a little help from friends who publish these (here and here).

Each time we renovate one of the larger (closed-down) buildings we invariably have a site-office from which to manage the project. To complete the rebuild + Planning Permissions + Building Warrants and deliveries of building materials plus liaison with various contractors etc.

As this bunker could be made to look like our site office at Sannox Hotel (for example), that, in our eyes at least, would transform a previously pessimistic view of staying in one of these bunkers for any duration, where the time spent underground can be uncomfortable and transform this to the positively attractive mole-home – with a (virtual) view!

In fact if it wasn’t professionally questionable (as our role here is to share these details with readers’ and friends), we would be sorely tempted to bid on this bunker in Cumbria ourselves. Why? Because we could BRING OUR OWN VIEWS! On reflection, there are magnificent views already all around this bunker. All you need is a CCTV system on a pole that emerges form one of the various bunker shafts skywards, piercing the earth above this post-WW2 structure.


Photography Copyright Reproduction: Unique Property Bulletin Ltd/Argyll Group Ltd

We are using our own photos to give readers and idea of what you could have affixed on the wall off this bunker (via a flat-screen television pretend “window”).

Please Note: The view immediately above these words is NOT the actual view from Sedbergh bunker. We are just illustrating how it would be possible to transform the bunker to a very cosy place to stay with the ILLUSION of a window to the outside (whilst all the time being 18 feet underground).

To complete the cosy effect, here is our actual office. We can already imagine replicating this nice warm place into what, over the past 3 years have been cold and opressive underground spaces.

Well done to the current owner for paying all of those telephone bills to this underground structure. A very good idea indeed….

^^ An Underground Office/Bedroom ^^

^^ Made Tolerable By A “Virtual View”

Photography Copyright Reproduction: Unique Property Bulletin Ltd/Argyll Group Ltd

The thought of living underground for any duration WITH some creature comforts such as these, totally transforms our view of underground life from negative to positive!

All due to the foresight of the current owner paying to keep their landline telephone connection alive for many years.



How To Bid

First, please read the SDL Auctioneer’s page (link at the foot of this page).

If bidding remotely/online, please make sure you have followed the registration procedure carefully. 

The Summary is below this paragraph. Please make sure and read all the terms and conditions…

Auction House Details For

ROC Nuclear Bunker

Land to the North East of Dent Station

Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5RF


Auction House Details For

ROC Nuclear Bunker

Land to the North East of Dent Station

Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5RF

For Direct Contact With SDL Property Auctions, please..

Click Here

(Rightmove Details: Here)
