Exclusively For Sale

Former RAF Balado Satellite Station

Golf Ball Radome & Land £473,000


This is, of course, not a perfect solution for one particular buyer. But a logjam over years of negotiations needs to be broken and this is the most viable way to do so. Whilst still managing to accommodate the overtures from the good people working to get Aero Space Kinross off of the ground…


^^ Potential Aero Space Kinross Charity Solution ^^

Golf Ball: Radome (Site #3) + Connecting Land (Site #3a)

+ Large Brownfield Piece of Building Land (Site #9).



^^ Potential Aero Space Kinross Charity Solution ^^

Golf Ball: Radome (Site #3) + Connecting Land (Site #3a)

+ Large Brownfield Piece of Building Land (Site #9)

This next photograph is for guidance purposes to illustrate that a significant amount of the former Radar Station can be parcelled-up for the Aero Space Centre.

Please Note: The HM Land Registry Title Deeds may vary slightly according to the cadastral cartographic statutes etc…

^^ Potential Aero Space Kinross Charity Solution ^^

Radome (Golf Ball) + Connecting Land

+ Large Brownfield Construction Site.

Approximately 2.87 Acres.

The oblique aerial photo guides above are not ideal. We are sending a drone pilot across to Balado for fresher high-definition photos and will update this page as soon as we are able. Though we need to be absolutely sure of safety protocols to keep the light-aircraft and gliders from the flying club safe (and the drone pilot legal)!

Here is a crisper version of the site. Please note almost an acre of land to the lower left of this next photo is missing from the picture… 


^^ Former RAF Balado Bridge, Balado, Kinross, KY13 0NJ ^^

After several years of charity “almost” managing to buy this 9-acre site, the owner is now retired and time is almost ended for the grace period that has been extended to the charity for the past few years.

The site owner has supported other charities and in fact this website has established two charities. So the owner very much understands the frustration of the Aero Space Kinross trustees.

=> Hence the owner of Balado is still keen to help the Aero Space Kinross endeavour in whatever viable way is possible.

In one final effort to help the Aero Space Kinross charity, the owner of Balado is happy to discuss selling Lot 3 (Radome +Land) and Lot 3a (Land + Access) to: Lot 9 (large brownfield site)…


^^ Radome (Golf Ball) Site #3 + Site #3a ^^

(£99,000 + £75,000).

This will join up to Site #9 and

include access road servitude rights to…


^^ Former RAF Balado Bridge, Balado, Kinross, KY13 0NJ ^^

^^ Lot (. Brownfield Site #9 ^^



Brownfield Site Advisories

The suggestion would be for the charity to deploy their 7 figure grant that appears “stuck” and utilise it with a state-of-the-art bespoke VISITOR CENTRE on the 2 acre parcel of land marked “Site #9 ” on the plan excerpts segment of this page. The general guidance regarding planning permission can be studied at the…

Scottish Government

Website & Publication Regarding “Brownfield Land”

Scottish Government Advice Relating To “Brownfield Land”..

Click Here


Substantial Part of The Site

Rather than politely decline to wait for a further extended period of time, the owner trusts that this effort to accommodate their imaginative Aero Space Kinross initiative is a reasonable way of helping make it viable and possible. As opposed to the polite ending of the grace-period that has already gone on for an unfortunately long period of time. Perhaps a polite letter to the grantawarding authority to let them know this is the last opportunity to launch this idea and “unlock” the stubbornly locked funds.

The and includes the iconic Radome…

^^ Former RAF Balado Bridge, Balado, Kinross, KY13 0NJ ^^

In total, there is approximately 2.38 acres of land upon which to deploy the funds the Aero Space Kinross team have advised is available. This suggestion accommodates the apparent staccato way in which the funds are to be made available.

^^ Former RAF Balado Bridge, Balado, Kinross, KY13 0NJ ^^

The three significant Lots that are being reserved at this time should enable the charity to own what they need and regain the grace of a further 2 to 4 years to remedy their remaining fundraising efforts that can be put into a bespoke, modern, disability compliant and purpose-built Visitor Centre

The way proposed on this page would mean the charity would actually own the iconic “golf ball”  structure and sufficient “brownfield” land upon which to build a a Visitor Centre that fits well within their plans.

Hopefully, this suggestion by the owner is a reasonable course of action rather than to just dissolve the efforts of buyer and seller as a consequence of running our of time.

^^ Former RAF Balado Bridge, Balado, Kinross, KY13 0NJ ^^

Possible Museum Solution…

Golf Ball Radome & Land £473,000.

This former RAF Balado military base is still fairly new, having been opened in 1985 by HRH Princess Anne.

Though after the Berlin Wall started being torn down on 9-November 1989 (here) and the USSR 26-December-1991 (here), the need for these types of military installation receded and the UK government  Ministry of Defence sold the former RAF Balado site in 2006 (here).


Aero Space Kinross Charity

We Will Help If We Are Able

For folk unfamiliar with this idea of an aero space visitor centre. here is some background information that is drawn from the public domain..

The subscribers have gone to a great deal of effort.

The owner of Balado has been making best efforts to assist, but is now retired and it is a simple fact that the number of years left are on the clock.

It is quite a responsibility to look after this large site and the owner wishes to spend more time with family and grand-children. So the decision has been taken to re-market to property. But in so doing, every effort will be made to help the charity wherever possible.

You can see the excellent effort put in by this team…

Very Professional Website

With A Well Qualified Board of Trustees

Aero Space Kinross

Click Here

There has been considerable time, effort and money on a major grant-award initiative.

Plus A Recent

Fundraiser: Still Ongoing:

Click Here

But after a number of years this has not resulted in a sale. The owners of Balado are still amenable to an approach and would like to see the site as some form of amenity as sought by Aero Space Kinross. Including making a smaller (2.87 acre + road access to all parts) of the 9 acre site available that is within the current budget of the charity and includes the Radome.

For clarity, here are the calculations illustrating acreage, adding up to approximately 2.87 acres including the Radome and land. Please note a life-time right of access over the private roads will be included in the new title-deeds if the current owner and charity reach a sale/purchase agreement.

Radome & Land

Lot #3

^^ Former RAF Balado Bridge. Site #3 ^^


Connecting Land

Lot #3a

^^ Former RAF Balado Bridge. Site #3a ^^


Brownfield Building Land

(Subject To Planning)

Lot #9

^^ Former RAF Balado Bridge. Site #9 ^^


Further Details

To arrange an appointment to view the premises, our readers are welcome to contact us via…

Text/Phone (UK): 0757 2768 795

Landline (UK): 0131 663 9102
