Sefe Energy Ltd


Tayport Group Ltd

Final Account Ref: 10183712

Final/Closing Amount: £1,045.41

Premises: 28 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF.

Deemed Account Holder: Building Owner: Tayport Group Ltd

This page relates to proof of payment requested by Sefe Energy Ltd (formerly Gazprom).

As agreed, here is the £1,000 transfer to complete the agreed completion of this account of £1,045.41 ~ following confirmation that the account details for the recipient are the correct ones…

The first, “test” amount” was transferred on 1st November 2022…

^^ Total £1,045.41 To Extinguish Final Bill ^^

Paid To: Sefe Energy Ltd., (formerly Gazprom).

As agreed with Tayport Group Ltd., company director Russell McLean.

Settlement of £1,045.41 to extinguish the final bill.

Relating to 280 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF.

This bill is the responsibility of the tenants. The Landlord, Tayport Group Ltd., will arrange for onward collection of these funds. This page is to provide the audit-trail for Sefe Energy Ltd., to illustrate that the final bill has been paid with compliments.


Russ McLean, Director, Tayport Group Ltd..







Earlier Notes

Payment of disputed Gazprom bill for premises OWNED by Tayport Group Ltd., and TENANTED by Unique Property Bulletin Ltd., for standing charges (NO gas ever used) relating to a Gazprom Meter that neither tenants nor building owner, Tayport Group Ltd., managed to get removed. It appears Gazprom, as with many other companies, had staff difficulties during lockdown from the Covid pandemic as numerous phone calls by the company directors Russell McLean were left unanswered by Gazprom.

Fortunately, on 31st October 2023, a very helpful Ms Chadwick from Sefe Energy Ltd., (formerly Gazprom), agreed with Tayport Group Ltd., company director Russell McLean a settlement of £1,045.41 to extinguish the final bill relating to 280 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF.

Sefe Energy Ltd account number: 10183712

Unfortunately, Sefe Energy Ltd., account numbers could NOT be verified on the BACS payment system.

Russell McLean has had a stroke and subsequent TIA head injury. So is recuperating and not back to work full time. His ability to email is restricted and he has been advised to be VERY cautious of random inbound phone callers seeking money.

Sefe Energy seems legitimate: Click Here

As a precaution and to ensure this is NOT a scam and to establish the integrity of the BACS system that shows this result…

As a precaution and to ensure this is NOT a scam…

A NOMINAL amount of £45.41 has been sent across to Sefe Energy Ltd….

Immediately the staff at Sefe Energy contact Russell McLean to confirm that this NOMINAL test amount of £45.41 has been RECEIVED by Sefe Energy Ltd., and that this is NOT a scam, then the remaining £1,000 will be transferred with compliments.



^^^ Nominal Test £45.41 Sent ^^^


Immediately confirmation that this is a LEGITIMATE request is received by phone call, the BALANCE shall be transferred to SEFE ENERGY LTD.

Many thanks and best wishes,
