Architecturally Unique

Please note, each edition we feature the work of a unique architect. These properties are usually NOT currently for sale, but are included to help inspire readers as to the talent that abounds when a good architect’s mind meets the imagination of a unique property person, and something that little bit special is created by the synergy.

 The Round House

The Round House MAIN

The Round House By Richard T. Foster – Architect 

Photograph Courtesy of CMLS

 Our Top & Commended Architect For This Unique Property Bulletin Is:

Richard T Foster

Richard Foster Architects: Official Website

A founder of the Richard Foster Architectural practice in Connecicut, America. Sadly Mr Forster died on 13th September 2002. However, the firm he started lives on, as does some incredible design.

A Cornucopia of Wonderful Round House Pictures: Click Here

Backup Archive of Round House Photo Montage

With the wonders of broadband and internet connectivity, the location of a any given architect may not be as critical as it once was. If the iconic Round House captures your vernacular desires, please don’t hesitate in getting in touch with Richard Foster Architects. The original Round House was decades ahead of it’s time – built in 1968. But we are certain it will tick all the boxes for many of our readers. The last time I visited America the exchange rate was two dollars to the UK£1. The original Round House could have been bought for $1,550,000 at that time. A relatively modest UK equivalent of £775,000. Food for thought?