Facebook Still Sucks
Schadenfreude News
Facebook has noble ideas but was founded by a deeply flawed individual. On 5th October 2021 it seems that all the ducking, diving, obfuscating of this company are finally headed towards it’s nemesis: Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (here). That and the formidable, brave and eloquent Frances Haugen…
^^^ Frances Haugen: Top Left ^^^
A worthy candidate for the
US Presidential Medal of Freedom: Click Here
France Haugen is Mark Zuckerberg’s worst nightmare. She has given, clear, fair, constructive evidence before the US Senate today, 5th October 2021. The verdict:
Facebook are morally bankrupt.
The session before US Senators was compelling; magnetic even.
Facebook requires reform. Frankly it is difficult to see how Zuckerberg can remain in post, even though he owns 55% of the shares in this internet behemoth. Some evidence came very close to culpability in manslaughter charges against Zuckerberg.
^^^ Twitter & Facebook Bosses In Trouble ^^^
^^^ At US Senate Hearings ^^^
Yet the poor old lighthouse keeper gets “memed”!
Just like in all the Scooby Doo cartoons!
Full disclosure, here at Unique Property Bulletin we lost over 7,000 readers (or followers as Facebook call their monetized subscribers).
When we tried to recover the modest £2,000 annual spend with Facebook, we were faced with a writ-dodging cowboy outfit of quasi-professional law-manipulators and evaders. Simply put, as a company based in the UK, we couldn’t get hold of anyone in the Facebook UK office. All arrows pointed to Eire! To hire a lawyer in the Republic of Ireland was expensive. Their advice, and this was apparently to hundreds, maybe thousands of litigants enquiring about civil suit against Facebook was the company works hard to evade litigation. It specialises in running up your legal bills. Fight with Facebook and you risk your company going bankrupt in fees alone. Ummmhh.
So we waived goodbye to 7,000 readers and £2,000. We also stopped advertising with Facebook (click here).
The trouble is, many, many organisations did the same and Facebook lost a lot of business.
So Facebook executives took a conscious decision to place children in harm’s way to boost their profits.
That has done a remarkable thing in the current severely divided politics of America: it has united Democrat and Republican senators to bring Facebook to account.
Meanwhile in our small world, whilst Facebook was an excellent way of letting friends and readers know about unusual properties that were/are currently for sale, it simply was not worth the candle. That social media platform has a disreputable business model created by a deeply unpleasant character. Now it seems there is sufficient political willpower in America to repel the huge lobbyist business at Washington DC and get a grips of this rogue outfit. Facebook should be a social platform with some decency. Ironically Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen still thinks that her former employer can be brought back from the edge of extinction.
Social media matters to this website and our readers, as our job is to bring you unique properties for sale.
We have just spent half a million pounds on a new HQ building to grow what was an eccentric Blog into a proper and FREE website to help…
Unique People Find Unique Homes.
Meanwhile, on topic with regard to Zuckerberg and company: Here
The start of the end for Zuckerberg…
^^^ Facebook Can Be Made Good ^^^
^^^ But Zuckerberg Has To Go ^^^
The Good, The Bad & The Ugly
Facebook’s Day of Reckoning From The
Perspective of One of Many Screwed Customers
Click Here