Earlier Listings…

These are earlier listings that have featured on Unique Property Bulletin. They are carefully archived as buildings and unique homes DO tend to come up for sale again and again.

A lot, of course, depends on if/when folk move.

Or to speak plainly as we heard an estate agent say… “kick the bucket.” Readers wonder why we are not too fond of estate agents… a lot are good, but too many are a rum bunch of chancers.

So just in case YOU need to check up on an old property that pops back up for sale, we keep all our old property details.

Also, perhaps you would like to post a nice (self-addressed) card with your name + address + phone number thereon, to a particular unique property owner and gift them a sticky label (eg click here) so that the unique property owner can keep a note of your contact details. That way, if the unique property owner decides to move in the future and they prefer to locate a BUYER without having to spend many thousands of pounds on an estate agent, they just call you and…

Hey Presto.. A Happy Seller + A Happy Buyer.

You might be surprised how often the label thingy works!

Anyways, here are our earlier listings. Plus the regular FEATURE ARTICLES designed to be of use to our readers…


For Sale

Nautical Building: £330,000.


The thing that has been puzzling us here at Unique Property Bulletin is that the relatively small PENTHOUSE FLAT above this big building recently SOLD for £600,000.

So why or how can you secure the MAJORITY of the handsome and substantial (former) yacht club below for just £330,000 (auction guide)?


^^ Isle of Wight Yacht Club Building ^^

Why so cheap? £330,000 for the bulk of this property
Yet the small Penthouse just sold for £600,000!

If you would like to study the details and links to plan drawing…

Click Here




^^ Please Feel To Join Us 

On Our Social Media Account 🙂

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A Good Result?

WW3 Will Be Non-Lethal EMP

NOT Nuclear!

The original article form 28th July 2024 (as reproduced after the latest newspaper report below), was as a result of the £48,000 at auction (the highest ever achieved for a rural ROC UKWMO bunker) and “fallout” from folk phoning us along these lines…


^^ Source: BBC News

Photographs Supplied By The Owner

The Sedbergh Bunker Sold For £48,000.

Meanwhile the photo of that bloke from Unique Property Bulletin… chewing a wasp, seems to be something the newspapers and television reporters enjoy featuring as what happens if you dwell on this subject overly much. 

^^ Russ McLean ^^


8 of These Bunkers Sold in 20 Years

Plus 2 Non-UKWMO Bunkers

Click Here

What is not apparent from the BBC article above are the number of inbound telephone calls and text messages.

The purpose of Unique Property Bulletin is to help fellow property-eccentrics (we are NOT an estate agency, just a group of friends who enjoy unusual buildings. That includes sharing details of these.

=> What is upsetting is when someone telephones and is worried. We are minded not to feature anymore of these underground bunkers, given that a significant number of people are worried about a nuclear conflagration.

This is not helped by the three main proponents being close to the end of their natural lifespan. President Biden is 81, President Trump is 78 (14th June) and President Xi Jinping of China is 71 (15 June). This OAP-Nukers seems to be a significant concern to many (we hadn’t clocked the issue until it came up from several callers.


Armageddon Out of Here

Reducing The Worries of Our Readers

In response to a flurry of press coverage in the past few weeks (May to July 2024), with at least three nationals plus 10 regionals and TV + Radio coverage generated from the Cumbrian Nuclear Bunker, we have sought to reduce the worry.

That has been possible by a remarkable fact: two of our readers work at a senior level, one as an Ambassador and the other “serves at the pleasure or the President” (we had to look up the significance of that latter phrase.

The result?

We can definitively state…

A Good Result?

WW3 Will Be Non-Lethal EMP

NOT Nuclear!

We detailed the narrative that came into Unique Property Bulletin from impeccable sources.

Our article from 28th July 2024 (included below) is in response to media coverage. Ever since we helped the first person sell their UKWMO bunker on our Unique Property Bulletin website, there has been a concern about the number of inbound calls where folk can become upset about the prospect of their family being subject to Armageddon. You would think this to be self-evident. Yet we had one Amadan (here), supposedly a former member of the armed-services, who wrote on our social media (here) said we should “get a grip” and not feature information about EMP (as opposed to Armageddon). That very person has on their social media, what we understand is “virtue signalling.” They advertised their support for PTSD charities and their support of improving the horrendous state of mental health in retired military service veterans. 

Yet that same person could not understand our wish to put the risks of nuclear war into some form of perspective and by so doing, reduce the stress to sufferers of PTSD.

Of course we cannot guaranteed 100% safety from nuclear war… that some world leader will NEVER press that big red “nuke” button. 

If we did provide that type of assurance it would be hollow and pointless.

=> Such reassurances of NO nuclear war are akin to our guaranteeing parachutes by writing: “If the parachute you bought off of us is defective and does not open, please bring it back and we shall give you a 100% cash refund”.

But we did ask the question of a friend on how we might reduce the stress of threatened nuclear war? She gave us an answer that made a great deal of sense. That there would be an “EMP” war and NOT a “Nuclear War.

We believe, in fact we know several of our readers have gained some level of comfort from the fact we have detailed this information and the credentials from whence it came.

=> Life is all too short. What time each person has on this planet is precious.

We believe it is important to be happy and help others enjoy their lives too, whilst we are here.

Whereas the pretendy “marine” (aka Walt”) who chastised us for the following words has been recommended to think about his intemperate comments. Especially if he truly supports people who have PTSD as they contain one of the largest demographics for suicide in the country. To place folk who have served their country in further harm’s way is just not acceptable.


WW3 Will Be Non-Lethal EMP

^^ Source: The Mirror ^^

Photographs Supplied & Reproduced By The Owner


Earlier Features: Too Much Underground Stuff!


A Good Result?

WW3 Will Be Non-Lethal EMP

NOT Nuclear!

We were a little uncomfortable at listing this underground Cumbrian Nuclear bunker as we did not wish to feed the media obsession with WW3 worries of Armageddon.

^^ Unique Property Bulletin Have Helped Sell 10 Small Bunkers ^^
Across A 30 Year Span
Please Do Not Copy This Artwork Without Obtaining Permission From:

^^ The Author & Artist: Mr Bob Marshall ^^

Weirdly, because we have helped to sell 9 (now 10) of these small bunkers over the past 30 years and especially as we had helped a good friend with his former MoD military EMP buildings as at Balado…


^^ Unique Property Bulletin Assisted Selling ^^

This Ex-MoD EMP-Resistant Bunker At Balado.

Because all of this EMP coverage upset several of our readers, we did NOT want to distress anyone. So our editor, Russ McLean contacted one of our readers who “serves at the pleasure of the president” (we had to find out what that mean too!).

This is mentioned so that our readers can have reassurance that the guy asking the questions has reasonable credentials

Russ McLean In A Previous Occupation

Given the gravitas of this matter, it is unusual but here are some bona fides. This police officer investigated and submitted many cases to the Crown Office & Procurators Fiscal Service (here). Well experienced in asking questions and making sure the answers are truthful. No adverse HR matters. Police service passed all milestones from confirmation in rank after 2 years, to advanced police driving year and station-officer in years 3 and beyond etc, progressing to one-officer station. Long service cut short through injury in the line of duty. Credentials: Click Here.

What does all this EMP and nuclear bunker stuff mean?

Should people be worried about WW3?

The answer is that World War 3 has already started.

You just have not been told that.


The narrative that follows (and we could write a Tolstoy length book) just distils the essence of a challenging 10 months trying to keep our internet website stable and stop someone bu66ering about with our Iphones!

The photo above is to give some gravitas that we do NOT do conspiracy theories. Only material that is corroborated as truthful and beyond reproach is on our website.

Even then we really just want to stick to sharing details of unusual places in which to live.

But it would be just plain wrong to stand idly by, when so many folk are genuinely worried about Russia starting a nuclear war.

We also recognise that the unfortunate, but well intentioned fact we have featured so many nuclear bunkers over the past 30 years PLUS the unusual fact we have featured the ONLY large-scale EMP repository capable of housing several thousand computers to become an EMP-protected data centre… Balado EMP base, on these pages. But Balado is off the market and Sedbergh mini-bunker sold. So we do NOT have any skin in the game on that score.

Also, we are NOT an estate agency. We charge NO fee. So why make up this sort of excrement?

We don’t normally curse, but sadly (we are being ironic) one of the “bad” things that will happen when the EMP Weaponry starts to be used in earnest is that TWITTER WILL CEASE TO EXIST. Seriously? We loathe Twitter. It is a cesspit of hatred and the sooner it is extinguished the better. Sorry Elon but you backed a nasty dud there.


From impeccable sources we have this detail…

1]. President Putin’s legacy wish is to fulfil his promise to the Russian people: That he will bring back the USSR, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (or at least some format of the USSR).

Between October and December 2023, our website became unstable soon after we started featuring EMP (Electro magnetic Pulse) bases such as Balado. We thought the next thing was a hoax. It was not…

This Was Not  Hoax

Our Website Became Unstable & Outages Became Frequent.

Our Iphones Switched Themselves Off & On.

Without Our Assistance!

The spookiest bit is when we asked one of our readers (at Ambassadorial level) if there was any way to reassure our readers there would be NO nuclear war (we had to phrase the request in a way that would NOT professionally embarrass our friend). She was able to steer us towards American Freedom of Information (FOI) material. In the USA, unlike the UK, they tend to bury their FOI disclosure logs rather than go all Jackson Pollock with the heavy black-ink “Sharpie” marker pen.

Whereas here in Old Blighty, the replies we get via FOI tend to be heavily redacted with a lot of black ink obscuring the important stuff.

The EMP threat can be nuclear, but in USA terms that have gathered traction are… 

2]. The EMP Weaponry that has been stockpiled by Russia is NON-LETHAL. That way the logic goes, is that it CAN be used by Russia against the West without nuclear causation of Mutually-Assured-Destruction (and Russia has some measure of plausible deniability).

There are vast swathes of public domain material from bona fide sources such as made public by Gunnery Sergeant Joshua E. Owen of the United States Marine Corps (here). The current USA war-gaming analysis tends towards NON-LETHAL EMP.

3]. The received wisdom at this end was we ought to backup all of our files and place the data storage devices in a “Faraday Cage” (disarmingly popular from Ebay).

We are still trying to get our heads around what an EMP is!


^^ This Is The Nearest We Could Get ^^
^^To EMP & Computers In Visual Format ^^

Artwork: Yon Marsh. Alamy. Fee Paid: Click Here

.You cannot see EMP because you cannot see electrons.

You cannot see magnetism.
In the photo above, you can clearly seethe devastating
effect magnetism would have on that computer!
EMP is an induce pulse that causes a massive and
overwhelming surge in electrons.
EMP kills computers NOT people.
That is why President Putin developed
a massive arsenal or EMP weaponry.
Not many people in the West noticed EMP Weaponry being developed…


President Putin Has Been Rearming Russia To Force A Restoration of The USSR

Photo Attribution: Mikhail Klimentyev + Associated Press + Alamy Fee Paid: Click Here

Series of Weaponry Photos: Click Here

With Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu (left) and Commander of the Strategic Missile Forces Sergei Karakayev during a visit to the Peter the Great Military Academy of the Strategic Missile Forces.

In January 2024, when we asked (4) how we would stop the malarky of the website and Iphones from so many glitches, and; (5) could we recognise when the EMP monkey-business might be headed this way, plus; (6) how we might reassure folk there would be NO nuclear WW3 the reply seemed far-fetched…

4]. You cannot stop a “State Actor” from interfering with your equipment. In plain language, a “State Actor” is a nation’s security service. There is little internet or even Iphone technology that can withstand that level of focus.

Oh joy. We were tempted to shut down the website and go renovate one of the caves we listed a while back…



.^^ Cave Life As Featured Previously ^^

^^ In Unique Property Bulletin ^^


5]. In January 2024, we were then warned to watch out for a “wobble” in the internet!”

That internet “wobble” appeared to happen on Friday 19th July 2024 (fact: click here).

We have no clue whether the Microsoft internet “glitch” was to do with Crowdstrike, or as we were told it was President Putin strong-arming his negotiations to let the Western Leaders know his EMP weaponry works.

6]. All we would like is for people to live their lives in relative peace and NOT have the threat of Nuclear War being trolled like it was a fun sport against Western civilisation by President Putin and functional alcoholic, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (here and here).

So what do we make of the past 10 months of our website and phones behaving bizarrely and the nuclear bunkers being like catnip on this website and some of our impeccably sourced readers gifting wise counsel?

Simply we believe the same words that we started this segment with…

.A Good Result

WW3 Will Be Non-Lethal EMP

NOT Nuclear!

The contemporaneous social media linked immediately below these words might help reduce worries of the “lethal” sort of EMP and Heaven forbid a nuclear conflagration.

The choice?

A]. For humans to melt as in the Terminator nuke scenes.


B]. Facebook and Twitter to melt and Mark Zuckerberg is forced to get a proper job, whilst humanity can finally look up from being handcuffed to their phones…



Here At Unique Property Bulletin

We Would Love To Be Free Off Of

Twitter & Facebook For A While.

How About You?


There are, of course, very bad things from an EMP conflagration.

Social media would go offline for several weeks, the banking system may melt. But the NHS will find a way.

Humanity managed quite well before the internet.

When you see the worry on the face of Elon Musk about Artificial Intelligence, then perhaps President Putin melting AI with his EMP launchers might help cure those ills.

The following (ironically posted on social media) is what we believe from the corroborated evidence we have seen and includes the reasons WHY President Putin has chosen EMP Weaponisation…




As for the ANSWER to what the Cumbrian Nuclear Bunker made at auction?

We reckoned the Cumbrian Nuclear Bunker we featured would make

between £25,000 and £35,000 maximum.

It was a bit of a stunner when the

hole-in-the-ground made £48,000…


It’s also nice when folk say “thank you.”

From Rob (Bunker Owner) to Russ (Unique Property Bulletin Owner)

From Rob (Bunker Owner) to Russ (Unique Property Bulletin Owner)

The BBC also covered the remarkable sale result…

Cumbrian Nuclear Bunker (UKWMO/ROC)

Guided At £15,000 to £20,000.

Sold For £48,000.



Nuclear Bunker For Sale

Located in Cumbria

By Auction: 25th July 2024

Guide: £15,000.

^^ An Iconic ROC UKWMO Underground Bunker ^^

^^ & Pretty Definitive 3-D Cutaway Artwork Too ^^

Reproduced Under The Creative Commons Protocol
CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Click Here

Full Attribution Is Given With Considerable
Thanks To The Author, Mr Bob Marshall


^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here

This is the latest in our list of nuclear bunkers (or as the former service personnel knew them as: ROC ~ UKWMO Bunkers).

This bunker has several interesting extras, such as additional land and off-street parking.

^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here

But the most valuable addition to this underground bunker is the fact it has a LANDLINE TELEPHONE and the option to connect BROADBAND. That is an extremely rare element that has, at some significant cost to the owner, been kept alive and connected to this very day. In our humble opinion at Unique Property Bulletin, the LANDLINE and BROADBAND is a very good use of initiative from the owner. Why? On so many levels with modern broadband, this underground bunker becomes vastly more appealing.


^^ ROC Nuclear Bunker ^^

^^ Land to the North East of Dent Station ^^

^^ Sedbergh, Cumbria LA10 5RF ^^

Photography Copyright Reproduction With Thanks To New Moon Images: Click Here


Full Details of The Sedbergh Nuclear/UKWMO Bunker

Click Here





Unique Property Featured Earlier

For more regular listings of unusual homes for sale,

please check out our social media page: Click Here.

Lighthouse Home For Sale

Offers Over: £119,000

Former Lighthouse Keeper’s 3-Bedroom Apartment For Sale

(Tower Not Included)

Tod Head Lighthouse Station,

Kinneff, By Montrose,

DD10 0TH

Offers Over £119,000.

For details:

Click Here





Earlier Updates… 

Is This The Next Adventure?

£8,500 For A House?

Surely £8,500 For a House (Ruin) Is Too Little A Price?

The last Unique Property Adventure from 2016 worked out well: 6 buildings fully renovated.

Noss Head Lighthouse Station Is Now Safe From Dereliction

How about 2024 and…

A Derelict Village By Castletown


^^ £8,500 For A House ^^

It may be in need of total renovation,

but the £8,500 is for total legal ownership!

^^ Is This The Next Unique Property Bulletin Project? ^^

^^ Surely The Bricks & Stone Masonry Are Worth The £8,500? ^^


^^ £8,500 For The House Shell ^^

Estate Agents Often Say A Sea View Is Worth £10,000!

^^ Surely This Picturesque Location Is Due A Bit of TLC? ^^


^^ Is This The Next Unique Property Bulletin Project? ^^

We Have Managed These Types of Project Before.

This weekend, 9th and 10th March 2024, we have a special feature article. It follows on from the article we wrote in 2016 about the deteriorating Noss Head Lighthouse Station. A group of 24 Unique Property Bulletin readers ended up buying Noss Head Lighthouse Station and renovating the buildings. That was an example of successful Unique Property mischief and adventures made real. Now we spotted a derelict village by the sea. There are 34 dwellings. Each works out at £8,500 after legal conveyancing and title registration fees. 34 people/couples would have their own house in a magnificent location for less than the price of a second hand car. Of course there is a lot more to this. Attached are photos and the initial feature article.

These are the first steps, especially the Planning Permission files and drawings for you to enjoy…


Then the old details on Rightmove: https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/71919049#/ 

Also our contact details and credentials if your interest is piqued…






Wet Wet Wet

Water Tower

Sorry, This Is Now


The notes below are archived for your reference in case this water tower comes back onto the sale market.

How Do We Choose Candidate Properties?

Several ways!

Here are just a couple in this latest update on our social media feed…

Marti Pellow just happened to be singing in the background.

This brilliant musician may have helped find you a unique home…


^^ Perry Water Tower ^^

The Drive, Perry, Huntingdon PE28 0SS

Photo Courtesy of the very decent Simon Judd and the kindly host, Geograph.

We are scratching the old wooden top heads here! The Perry Water Tower SOLD last year was £290,000. Now, it is for sale at £350,000. That is £60,000 more. Yet does NOT appear to include a successful Planning Permission (to convert into a home) or any meaningful expenditure to warrant a steep £60,000 profit. Especially from our experience, this water tower is already at the top of it’s value (they can go for less that £100,000).

So we would CAUTION our readers…


We would ONLY expect this water tower to be worth £60,000 more (just 11 months later) if the intermediate owner HAD successfully ADDED the crucial and valuable Planning Permission.

We have looked and can find NO record of a granted or approved Planning Permission on Perry Water Tower.

Just some nice photos of what Perry Water Tower MIGHT look like (click here).

But someone, likely the new owner will have to do a lot of hard and expensive work SECURING THE VITAL PLANNING PERMISSION to convert this FROM a water tower TO a home. That is the red-tape that MUST be done (plus extensive and expensive BUILDING WARRANTS), before even just one house-conversion brick may be added or subtracted.

The fact that this water tower has been hanging about since 4th December 2023 on Rightmove UNSOLD after having been sold already for around £290,000 on 10th May 2023 does not auger well.

=> If any of our readers can help us, and research a bit more on the Local Authority planning website to see if there has even been a “pre-app” planning permission enquiry and share your findings in the comments  section on our social media feeds (click here and scroll downward until you find the relevant post), that would be very much appreciated). Thank you.

Consequently, and with all we have seen so far at Perry Water Tower and much of which is included here and on our social media review page, we don’t like advising this sort of thing, but it is based on 37 years tapping away at this keyboard and the experience from many very helpful Unique Property Bulletin readers,..

We do NOT value this water tower at the current guide of £350,000. We value Perry Tower in the current condition and with NO Planning Permission at approximately…


To find the actual result needs a little work by you

Property Detective Sure Lock Homes!

Click Here 

(Archived For Safety: Click Here)

Even then, that is a high price for high tower when compared with other, similar sales. The last water tower of similar construction/style that one our readers went to bid on was guided at around £40,000 and sold for £101,000. Even at £101,000 the eyebrows were raised that £101,000 was a very good result for the seller. So here the current £350,000 wishful price comes from is difficult to fathom.





How To Improve Your Chances

Of Finding Your Ideal

Unique Property

If you are really into finding your own unique home (and from a candid source with, warts and all) then…

Please consider “following” Unique Property Bulletin..

Click Here

…so as not to miss any of the tasty morsels we upload for you

At least ONCE EACH WEEK and when we

get our newly bought office building (click here)

We will progress to


and eventually…


Since we updated the Unique Property Bulletin

on 1st January 2024.

For example. one of many here might just be your ideal home.

There are plenty more of these to be added going forwards 🙂




^^ Don’t Miss a Thing ^^

Apparently It Is called FOMO (Sorry!)

Editor’s Special Unique Property Mischief Finds:-

Click Here





Editor’s Special Unique Property Mischief

Regular Updates

Lots of regular and tasty unique property for sale…

Our Unique Property on Facebook

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Update: 19th February 2024

Tillicoultry Police Station

For Sale

Guide: £120,000.

We Suggest: £90,000

Here is our latest feature article. This time about the many former police stations for sale.

This one is located is a place surrounded by the Ochil Hills and Wallace Monument. The actual building could do with a bit of added sparkle. Maybe a Tardis or Dalek.

^^ Police Boxes Are Also For Sale ^^

But today we feature a modest police station,

Or as we often say:

A neatly arranged pile of bricks…

^^ Tillicoultry Police Station ^^

Guide £120,000. We Would Suggest: £90,000.

^^ Tillicoultry Police Station ^^

Guide £120,000. We Would Suggest: £90,000.

It is tempting to think the stripping of this structure back-to-bricks was possibly due to an unwelcome infestation. Daleks maybe?


^^ Police Stations & Police Boxes^^ 

Seem To Attract Some Iconic People & Extra Terrestrials

^^ Russ McLean ^^

Founded Unique Property Bulletin

2 Years After This Photo Was Taken

As you may appreciate from the old photo above, our editor, Russ McLean has a soft spot for these old police stations and has mentioned Unique Property Bulletin buying this project. At £90,000 it would be a very good price and is only one hour from our current HQ. But then again, the purpose of Unique Property Bulletin is to help YOU find your favourite style of unusual home…

^^ Tillicoultry Police Station ^^

A very modest structure

But in an outstandingly beautiful part of the country

& a LOT of property for the money!

But our main thesis today is that there is a LOT of property for little money to the extent that many buyers will have a much sought after desire to be free-of-mortgage realised if they purchase this hidden gem…

^^ The New Format of Unique Property Bulletins ^^

Every Couple of Days.


Tillicoultry Police Station…

Click Here

Thanks to an alert reader, we may now understand why Tillicoultry Police Station in Moss Road has been stripped back to brick…


Tillicoultry Flood: Moss Road
Photograph Courtesy of Geograph & John Chroston
Tillicoultry Flood: Moss Road
Photograph Courtesy of Geograph & John Chroston
Here at Unique Property Bulletin we have owned buildings where flooding is an issue. We raised the floors by a foot (concrete) and built substantial flood defences around the perimeter. All valuable items were upstairs. Downstairs was minimal furnishing (actually used for sleeping ~ with flood alarms fitted). That cured the flood problem in Argyll. Here in Tillicoultry it is a challenge to consider what the best remedy would be.

We feature ALL our updates daily or if we are busy at work, every couple of days, on our social media pages. Please note, Unique Property Bulletin is NOT an estate agency. It is a not-for-profit publication run by volunteers.

Please feel free to “follow”” our Facebook page so you do not miss anything. We cover the ENTIRE UK…

UPDATE (Since we were alerted about the local flooding issue)…

It is also worth mentioning that given the flood local folk endured, maybe go a bit easy with the haggling for this building. It would have been traumatic for the owners and neighbours. It is an important matter, to be aware of how distressing a local flood can be (we know, we’ve had it happen).  Also worth chatting with the neighbours about maybe altering the police station (if you buy it) by extending out the back so that there is a bigger FIRST FLOOR, with a significant amount at the back built over open air (on pillars) for car parking on the ground floor area. If you have your living accommodation and your home-office/studio on the upstairs first-floor, you will be much safer and your home will survive better if there is another flood.

Leave the pre-existing ground floor minimally furnished. You may well set a good template on how to survive the worries and hazards that come with ever increasing numbers of floods.

For the CONTACT details for the estate agent…


Tillicoultry Police Station…

Click Here





Editor’s Special Unique Property Mischief

Regular Updates

Lots of regular and tasty unique property for sale…

Our Unique Property on Facebook

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You may need to scroll down this page to find hat you came here for. This is because we add fresh unique property for sale regularly and he older buildings listed tend to slip down the rankings on our Bulletin pages…

The Gatehouse, Dover

For Sale

Guide: £120,000

We Value At: £90,000

Subject To Survey & Legals

The Gate House, Victoria Park,

Dover, Kent, CT16 1QR.

Click Here


More from our social media pages. Well worth checking out today’s unique property as we add a fress building EVERY DAY…

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Any Questions?

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TEXT is more reliable as we are volunteers with day-jobs

TEXT: 0757 2768 795

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