Hot Unique Properties & News Clips Every Few Days.
You may need to SCROLL DOWN this page to find what you came here for as we add new properties regularly.
Welcome to Unique Property Bulletin online. Unusual buildings are regularly added to this site. Also worth keeping an eye on our UPB Twitter (here) and Facebook pages (here). New telecommute contract jobs will soon be advertised on this website for those currently joining the telecommuter/remote worker sector: Jobs ~ Click here. Latest News 25th January 2021… here).
Apocalypse Now?
Going Underground: £25,000 Freehold
For some reason we seem to have acquired a significant following from underground mole-hole abode dwellers. Seriously, every time we feaure one of these UKWMO bungers, the website visit-o-meter clocks up an extra 10,000 site views. Come on guys, is there a zombie apocalypse we don’t know about? Why such fascination with holes in the ground? Anyways, a lot of our readers like these, so here is one coming up for auction in Cornwall…
For Sale By Auction | 12:00, 18 February 2021
Former Royal Observation Corps, Monitoring Post: Bunker.
Sevenmilestone Cross, St Agnes, Cornwall, TR5 0PF
Artist Impression.
Courtesy of the very talented Mr Bob Marshall
Bob, we’d like to present you with a nice bottle of malt whiskey
for your artistic efforts (here). Thank you.
Location of UKWMO Nuclear Bunker
Sevenmilestone Cross, St Agnes, Cornwall, TR5 0PF
Further Details
Earlier Segment: 21st January 2021
P.S. We charge NO fee. But if we are of help, please help a charity: here.
Helping Us To Help You
If an obscure website such as this can end up an accidental success
and create 131 jobs
Then you so might you.
Okay, it’s taken 33 years from when we started producing the paper format of Unique Property Bulletin from this little island Lookout building which we rented for £5 a year (yes that is a fiver, and yes you can still get these bargain type unique properties)…
The Lookout, Davaar Island. Rent: £5 A Year.
Birthplace of Unique Property Bulletin 1987.
The trick is to find something you are passionate about and start a website. Anyone over 50 years old will probably have to employ your grandkids to work out internet HTML coding and a ton of WordPress gobbledygook. But the income from the likes of Google Adsense can be enough to keep a family of four fed, heated, clothed and a roof over your head. In these horrendous Covid times that is actually something that some folk might want to think about.
We are seeing tens of thousands of good people who have worked all of their lives suddenly find they are faced with unemployment in their thirties, fourties and fifties with a set of dreaded DWP Universal Credit forms and needing to send out 100 job applications each week.
The Lookout Was Great Fun.
We then moved next door to the lighthouse on Davaar Island…
If We Can Do This,
Perhaps You Would Like To As Well?
Seriously, Covid and/or the worry of family/friends catching the bloody thing is bad enough. To suffer the stress of unemployment or drastic short hours on top of Crappyvirus is insult to injury.
If someone from the Department of Work & Pensions forces you into writing 300 CVs and job applications each week and all you get back is 3 “maybes”, we strongly suggest you change direction. We had readers who did that during the banking crisis 14 years ago and subsequent 10 year austerity period. Which is why the Unique Property Bulletin volunteers registered our Argyll Group Real Dragons’ Den (for example: here).
Our Argyll Group plc efforts were and are a job creation and support initiative. Some details: here and here. If you are one of the Covid job-stuffed, thanks to greedy little sh1ts such as wee Willie Walsh at British Airways: click here, then feel free to get in touch with us. Our Argyll Group team will invest anyweher in the UK and even in America. Contact page: here.
Sorry, we digressed. Our founder, in fact all of us here just get upset that not enough is being done to help folk left financially skint due to Covid. We are determined for example, to regenerate the High Streets. We have proven it is possible to save shops and create real jobs: click here.
Back on topic: 33 years ago we started banging on about “remote working” in the 1980s when you could only do it by a fax machine and a very expensive satellite communication system. The reason? Many of the unique properties we feature for sale are remote and this telecommuting was a way to solve the problem of being able to earn a living from fairly far away, but beautiful locations.
Far away back then meant unpopular remoteness.
Nowadays, with Coviddy-Cities & Lockdown-Towns, far away mean low, or no Covid + peace of mind and sanity. Plus fun. Remember that? When life had more happiness in it.
The word “remote” in 2020 and 2021 now means mostly having lots of land and a decent community + facilities within a few miles. Though you might need to buy one of these. Not exactly a hardship. More likely a funship…
Commuting To An Island That You Own.
Life Free From Covid Worries.
Trouble was, back in the 1980s and 1990s nobody thought remote working would work, let alone be of interest to anyone.
Three decades later and here we are: telecommuting has become almost fashionable. Major television program interviews have us all checking out the bookshelves or CD collection behind whoever is being interviewed. Sometimes the background is so good, all you can do is smile. Humour nowadays is a precious commodity.
The best way of working and staying safe from the Covid pandemic may well be keeping a bit of physical distance. We can surely sort you out an island to buy. But not everyone has £100,000 it cost us to buy the Ailsa Craig island property and pier etc.
Technology has made it absolutely possible to work from a wonderful remote location and function at a high work rate.
In fact we have never been so busy. This pandemic is throwing up some very strange enigmas.
From this old thing an accidental success has emerged that has Gumpian roots in creating 131 new jobs and on track for 10 new jobs immediately after Covid and likely 10 to 20 new jobs each following year…
Unique Property Bulletin: Earlier Paper Format
Fairly recently we were based at our Noss Head Lighthouse Station (here) as purchased by our group from the earlier Unique Property plc incarnation…
Noss Head Lighthouse Station
A recent home of Unique Property Bulletin.
Worth repeating…
If we can do this, then surely you can too?
Ever since becoming established in 1987, Unique Property Bulletin has produced a majorly free service to our readers (occasionally there have been fundraisers and some subscriptions were tried for a while to help towards printing costs etc). The advancing decrepitude of our founder over the 33 years and the long journey up to Noss Head Lighthouse Station was a fabulous commute for all of our seven website volunteers…
The Commute to Unique Property Bulletin HQ Was Amazing
The location is one of the best UPB-HQs yet.
Seriously, just look at this place…
This Could Be Your Home As A Result of Your New Website!
Just pick a topic you are passionate about.
Then write about it on your website.
Make sure you have some decent photos and video content.
Make absolutely sure you have Google Adsense and all the other click £££ generating HTML computer coding (that may include bribing the kids/grandkids). You will be doing them a favour.
Less video gaming with…
Grand Theft Auto
and more helping Gran & Grandad’s…
Holiday Fund Pronto
The internet really has the ability to get you to your unique style of property.
We can let you into a bit of a secret. Our magnificent group of former shareholders from the 1990s Unique property plc still join in for a bit of fun when the candidate property is too big just for one family. For example, 24 of us bought the dilapidated lighthouse station up by Wick to renovate. We had too many buildings. So sold a couple. Our editor thought the word “viral” meant something he caught at sea. Nowadays it means a much very nasty bug.
But three years ago on our Facebook page (now defunct: click here), the figures are definitive. They profoundly illustrate the power of the internet…
That power has helped us buy a new office building and secure an annuity in perpetuity to pay staff and ensure Unique Property Bulletin will be…
Free for you forever.
If you look at the Facebook screenshot above, that figure of 186,399 people who viewed the lighthouse building is correct. It took all seven volunteers over two weeks to reply to the 2,000 folk who ended up getting in touch from that overall number of 183,399.
We did all of this by remote working.
That meant the internet helped our site manager up at Noss Head Lighthouse Station be free from this sort of worry in the Coviddy-Cities and Lockdown-Towns…
London Underground. We Love The Capital
But there is a palpable worry when travelling on the Tube
London Covid States: 1 in 30
It is very strange how our keenness for remote working was shunned 33 years ago, yet now it is almost normal.
Just for a moment’s reflection, literally, for that is what we have to walk by in the private gardens…
The Loch Is Still Owned By Unique Property Bulletin.
There is a time for staying in wonderful cities.
There is a time for reflective quiet.
Sometimes remote life is a nice way to live.
Would you prefer to live in a city and take your chances one cough in the London underground may do for you. One of our UPS-HQ volunteers is from London. All of us love visiting the capital. But just now it is an uncomfortable place to be with this virus. Even if you are young and fit, you gran or another relative might get their medical P45 from this life.
There must be something to all this pandemic and the reflection on life in cities as opposed to rural areas
Unique Property Bulletin has seen a fourfold increase in enquiries from folk seeking to escape to the country.
We’d like to think that the quality of life and beauty of the views have something to do with all of the current pandemic and social changes…
The editor had abused his body in earlier careers, shot, stabbed, anchors dropped on his head! All this mounts up. Airport metal detectors go wild and he cannot walk near magnets because of the dodgy bionic stuff. The 6 million dollar man he ain’t. More like a two-and-sixpence version.
Our editor is not so much 7 million of anything!
More like an old two shillings and sixpence…
The 501 mile round trip from our nearest
Unique Property Bulletin volunteer
to the lighthouse office means giving up
our Noss Head HQ and moving south…
It was actually an accident caused by the state ferry operator that triggered a marked decline in the health of our editor. That in turn necessitated a heart-breaking decision to move from the beloved Noss head Lighthouse Station to a place closer to home of our core 7 volunteers. A big, bargain three storey building next to a Grade A listed Abbey in Arbroath provides lots of space and sufficient rental income of the bits we don’t need, to pay new staff members and ensure this publication continues: for free, fore you, forever.
250 Miles South of Noss head Lighthouse Station
and we have te new, or to be precise, the property being
renovated that will become UPB-HQ. Welcome to this
publication’s Abbey Studios
The New Unique Property Bulletin HQ
Signage Artwork To Guide The Signwriter
But the purchase of the new Unique Property Bulletin and UPS building at 280 High Street opposite to Arbroath Abbey is part of our plan to keep our promise to you our readers. This is well worthwhile repeating…
Unique Property Bulletin
Free, For You, Forever.
Long story short, Unique Property Bulletin only needs 2 of the 15 offices in the new building we bought along with great support from our UPS crew.
So it is likely we shall be renting out the other offices and some of that income will be used to pay staff wages. The building is bought outright with no mortgage and so the books and finances will balance very well.
Though shortly after we bought the building, on 28th February 2020, Covid19 struck and everyone went into lockdown. So we have held off employing staff as it would be unfair to take folk on, only to put them through the stress of being on furlough.
Fortunately, in the meantime, progress on roof repairs is going well, in spite of vertigo by one of our lot clinging onto the scaffolding like it was his wallet…
280 High Street. Unique Property Bulletin Will Be Housed In 2 of The 15 offices
In spite of vertigo, it is important to see the work being completed on the roof. Though egress and entrance was via a third floor window. Climbing out of windows at this heights seems counter-intuitive and very unnatural.
The previous owners of 280 High Street, Swinton Insurance Brokers, had, in fact, spent a significant amount of money maintaining the building. There was some water ingress, but this has been mostly down to lack of maintenance, such as emptying the gutters during the three years that Swinton had left the building unoccupied. After our UPS latest venture on the Island of Arran (and a lot of roof renovation work there), it is a comfort that the dormer window cheeks for 280 High Street have been given a thorough overhaul and no bad news was to be found lurking behind the cheeks. A little bit of quality lead and some replaced tiles, along with an amazing amount of plant life from the Victorian guttering being removed and this elevation of roof is very much fit for purpose again. Which is quite a relief as Arbroath Abbey, directly across the road is a magnificent ruin and illustrates what 700 years of having insufficient maintenance does to a sandstone building. Especially is a coastal seaside town with high, sandy winds such as Arbroath
Great enjoyment at Unique Property Building to see progress being made on this building. The roof is in remarkably good condition after a gentle amount of TLC. The scaffolding is being removed next week, and the inside of the building is being sorted out.
It is worth reminding you, yup, you, our readers, that all this work is being completed to ensure we can relaunch and continue getting you into property mischief.
Three stories up at the roof and writing regular magazine format Bulletins again was fairly far from the mind. Respect to roofers and scaffolders. Working at heights is not the easiest job.
Well worth the effort to get out onto the scaffold.
The roofing contractor advised that this was near pitch perfect and in excellent condition.
Apart from a large amount of grass in the gutters, enough to need a lawn mower. This is now all removed and a cherry-picker crane will be booked regularly to ensure the gutters are maintained properly. Here at Arbroath, the east coast is much drier than the west coast, but is still gets its fair share of rain. When that can’t flow through the rainwater system, the outside stonework and masonry become wet and inside gets a bit damp. All sorted now and Unique Property Bulletin is champing at the bit to relaunch our full, magazine format online service for those buying and selling unusual places to live.
Strangely, Covid19 has meant a huge increase in remote-working…
We have never seen a telecommuting number at that level. It iused to hover around 6% when we first advocated this as a way to live in a remote place such as a private island or a lighthouse property
Full Article: Click Here
If only 25% (rather than 80%) eventually choose to telecommute, this will have a major impact on what we do here. Folk will save a small fortune on train tickets and/or car petrol costs etc. They will save 2 years of their lives from NOT physically commuting. They can spend more quality time with family. Okay., after a 3 month lockdown you might want a bit of space, but here’s the thing, if you move from the city to a rural place with broadband, you can own 30 acres and a lighthouse station for £275,000: so plenty of space to spend time with family, but NOT cooped up in a small semi-detached house inside the M25. The ancillary benefit is you stand a far better chance of NOT catching Covid if you live in a rural place.
We have been banging on about telecommuting even before the internet was invented and the main way to work whilst living at a safe and remote lighthouse wqas by fax. Coronavirus has had some strange effects on our way of life and work.
Now it is almost desirable to live and telecommute from a distant place.
With the progress at Arbroath UPB HQ we will be relaunching our efforts to help you soon enough…
With the Covid19 lockdown restrictions easing and our own conscience salved by over-engineered safety measures (here), the renovation of 280 High Street plus 1 to 5 James Street has been progressing very well.
The big cracked window helped shave a slice off of the purchase price haggling, but that also meant spending a few quid getting an 8 x 8 foot pane of industrial safety glass installed. The team from Dundee that did this work turned out to be a brilliant company. A wee plug for our glazing pals: A-Class Glass & Joinery ~ Click Here. We would highly recommend this company and shall be putting more work in their direction.
It was also fascinating to see how these huge sheets of glass are installed…
You might be amazed at how many people look in shop windows. It is an abvious thing to state, but when you are on the other side of the glass, it is very noticeable that people want to look in.
Possibly a muscle-memory thing.
Or just the natural way we all walk down a High Street in Anytown in the country.
Whatever else, the power of these 9 big windows is awesome.
We put a sign up on Monday and by Wednesday we already had one person wanting to sell us their shop, which is excellent as it fits in with our wider plan to utilise the other 12 offices for rent as business incubator units. Where we help small businesses to grow to the point where they need their own shop, or office or industrial unit. That is more to do with one of our other entities, Tayport Group (rather than Unique Property Bulletin): Click Here.
Just to finish this update, here is an interactive Facebook page of the Unique Property Bulletin Editor. Just click on the blue circle outlined letter “F” to see more photographs (and more unique property for sale)…
Or click this link…
Hopefully this segment has helped our regular readers and our new visitors to understand the progress being made to ensure that…
Unique Property Bulletin
Is Made Available
Free, For You, Forever
Earlier News: 31st December 2020
P.S. We charge NO fee. But if we are of help, please help a charity: here
Remote & Idyllic
Building Plot: £39,950 Freehold. Planning For 4 Bed Detached House
Ideal For Telecommuting.
Escape Coviddy-Cities & Lockdown-Towns.
The view from this proposed 4 bedroom detached house is spectacular…
^^^ The View From The Building Plot At Seabreezes ^^^
Here is the current plan drawing as approved by the local council…
Seabreezes Building Plot For Sale.
£39,500 Freehold.
This is a delicate matter, but as of most recent Covid map we accessed…
Covid Rate Is Very Low: Click Here
Type in the postcode: KW14 7TD
It is a fact that many folk are wishing to live a life that is in a safer area and from where they can telecommute. Whatever else the year 2020 has shown to us, one significant thing is the ability to work from home and telecommute.
You might like to sample some of the journey with Jeremy Clarkson as your guide…..
Getting Here
Jeremy Clarkson can show you the joys of the drive north until he “ran out of country”.
Nowadays folk are seeking to leave coviddy-cities and lock-down towns for a gentler, safer style of life where you can walk and still feel some freedom.
Perhaps spend a few minutes with the former Top Gear presenter as he drives the very same road you will be taking if you decide to buy our building plot and construct your new home with sublime sea views…
Jeremy Clarkson Driving The Journey You Would Make
If You Buy Seabreezes Building Plot.
Details of this fully-serviced building plot…
Seabeezes Building Land For Sale
£39,500 Freehold.
Click Here
Earlier News: 30th November 2020
St Andrews Day Special
Latest News 30th November 2020
Earlshall Castle + 3 Fortified Cottages
In this year of Covid19 and the 5 pandemic viruses of the past 25 years, with more likely to come, would you like to live somewhere secure, where you could walk for miles without worrying about the Coronavirus? A classically safe castle and environment where you could telecommute remotely to a far-off workplace. All from the comfort of a castle home and still have space in the 53 acre grounds to breath and live a decent life. Each property may be available at an affordable price?
The Gatehouse At Earlshall Castle.
One of a micro-community of 4 dwellings.
A unique home that you may be able to buy at an affordable price.
Photo courtesy of Google~3D. Virtual tour outwith castle boundary: click here
Unique Property Bulletin feature a very full study of this amazing set of 4 properties in a 53 acre location. You may well afford one of the cottages, or indeed the whole castle. The main boundary is secured by the RAF Luechars airbase up to MoD standard. The remaining boundary can be upgraded if required and monitored by CCTV. If you fancy just one of the 4 buildings, contact Unique Property Bulletin: click here.
Leuchars, St. Andrews, Scotland.
A Castle & Several Buildings + 53 Acres.
Adjacent To Leuchars Airbase.
For full details + plans + analysis…
Click Here
Please note the guide on this castle is purely an estimate.
The owner/agent has declined to place a guide on the castle.
Earlier News 19/11/2020
For Sale Freehold. Guide: £15,000.
Land and Building, Glaisdale Dale, Whitby, YO21 2PZ
Land and Building, Glaisdale Dale, Whitby, YO21 2PZ
Land and Building, Glaisdale Dale, Whitby, YO21 2PZ
Further Details
Click Here
Please note the £15,000 is a guide set by the estate agents and owner.
Here at Unique Property Bulletin we simply give our readers the heads-up.
Earlier News: 22nd October 2020
Iconic Water Tower
For Auction: Guide: £140,000 ~ Auction Date: 4th November 2020
Felsted Water Tower
Garnetts Lane, Felsted, Dunmow, Essex. CM6 3EJ

Felsted Water Tower, Garnetts Lane, Felsted, Dunmow, Essex. CM6 3EJ.
Currently let at £10,600 per annum
Auction Video: Felsted Water Tower, Essex.
Felsted Water Tower: Location
Courtesy of Google Maps
Felsted Water Tower Auction Details…
Click Here
Earlier News: 11th September 2020
For Sale By Auction ~ Guide: Just £17,000 Freehold.
Now Sold: £54,000.
Former UKWMO Nuclear Bunker For Sale
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
As promised, here are the details of the first of TWO UKWMO nuclear bunkers we have for sale. This one is in East Anglia, the other in Aberdeenshire (that one will be featured in a couple of weeks time). For this update of Unique Property Bulletin we are delighted to commend this very well kept Royal Observer Corps (ROC) bunker.
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
Excerpt From Auction Listing. Auction Date: 30th September
Auction Website
Click Here
The owner is a very nice person who telephone Unique Property Bulletin and has asked our advice which was to engage a local estate agent/auctioneer. We are also delighted to feature the ROC UKWMO Bunker on our website to help her sell the property. For those not quite familiar with these underground structures, here is an artists impression…
Standard ROS Bunker Design. Further Details on UKWMO: Click Here.
Specific to the ROC Post at West Beckham, Norfolk, here are the photographs taken in the last couple of weeks…
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
There are TWO plots of land for auction. The owner wisely bought the adjacent land many years ago. This makes the West Beckham UWWMO bunker a candidate for having something substantial created next door.
The former UKWMO bunker is guided at £17,000…
ROC Bunker & Land. Guided At £17,000: Click Here.
The adjacent, much larger plot of land will be auctioned SEPARATELY from the bunker with a guide commencing at just £4,000 for this piece of land…
Post, Land For Auction At Osier Lane, West Beckham. Guide: £4,000. Click Here.
The location is in East Anglia…
ROC Post, Osier Lane, West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk, NR25 6PL
The estate agency narrative is reproduced for the guidance of our readers…
This Nuclear Bunker is believed to have been built in 1961 and is one of 1560 built to the same design to meet the nuclear threat of that era. The bunker lies beneath a parcel of land that is enclosed by hedging and fencing and accessed via secure iron gates. We understand that the bunker was still under the ownership of the ministry of defence and manned part time until as recently as 1991.
The plot measures approximately 250 square meters and is surrounded by mature trees and hedges and accessed via cast iron gates.The bunker itself lies 3.6 meters below ground and measures approx 5.5m x 2.25m internally including a small room designed for a chemical loo as well as the main space.
For all planning enquiries please contact North Norfolk District Council. The current owner has kept the bunker as a time capsule to represent the history of its original use. Various items of furniture documents and chattels will remain and are included in the sale.
Please can you assist us by advising the auctioneers that you found this property on the Unique Property Bulletin website. This helps us to help you. Thanks.
The Auction House can be contacted here…
Whirledge Notts Auctioneers
Freddie Botfield B.Sc., Hons. MRICS., FAAV.
Tel: 01268 783377
Or TEXT: 0774 504 8575
Auctioneer’s Details West Beckham UKWMO Bunker…
Click Here
Video of West Beckham UKWMO Bunker
Click on Photo Above To Watch The Video
Last but not least, here are two excellent websites for those looking to research more information regarding ROC UKWMO Bunkers, and in this case West Beckham…
28 Days Later: Click Here
Subterranea Britannica: Click Here
Please remember to mention you found this UKWMO bunker for sale in Unique Property Bulletin. This really does help our volunteers and not-for-profit website to help you. Thanks.
Earlier Update: 7th September 2020
Fancy A Little Extra Help
Finding Unique Property Near To You?
Wherever You Are In The UK, We Can Help You Find Your Unique Style of Home
95% of this website is free. We do occasionally have a modest fundraiser to help this not-for-profit website keep going. If you would like to read more about some of the SECRET ways we find unusual property and at very good prices…
Click Here
For The Special Article
You could help us, help you. Best wishes, The Unique Property Bulletin Team
Earlier News: 5th September 2020
Old Police Station For Sale
Park Street, Hungerford, Berkshire, RG17 0EA.
Guide Price: £425,000
Evans Jones were appointed to apply for planning permission to change the old Hungerford police station into 5 residential units (here). Today we are listing one of those regenerated properties here…
Oops, wrong plans.
These actual plans that were passed by the local authority in Berkshire were for this former police station…
Photo Courtesy of Google Mapping
Via a lot of building works.
Including a whole new 2 storey wing to the left and right of the old structure…
Getting Started On The Renovation & Change of Use Work
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
Apartment 4 is a spacious first floor apartment with lovely views and its own front door accessed by a private external staircase. There is a kitchen/dining room, a sitting room, two good bedrooms, an en-suite and a family bathroom.
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
From cop-shop to the sweet cell of success
The Old Police House is very conveniently situated for the High Street, Hungerford Common and the railway station. An internal viewing is strongly advised to fully appreciate the wonderful lifestyle opportunity that this unique conversion offers.
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
This is a high specification renovation of the Park Street Police Station. This apartment has very clean, crisp lines and is turnkey-ready.
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
Considering the old police cells would have been very cramped, the architect and builder have made a fine job ensuring wide open spaces now feature prominently on the wanted list for this Berkshire building.
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
It may be an idea to explore the neighbourhoood via the excellent Google 3D mapping system. During these strange times of Covid19 where we are all needing to make adjustments to ensure the protection and safety of all family, friends, neighbours and the rest of humanity, the advent of Google mapping has been a brilliant, sanity saving creation. To take a virtual tour around the locality click here.
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
There is actually a choice of other completed former police accommodation from the main estate agent…
Marc Allen & Co., (01488) 685353 e-mail:
For Further Details
Click Here
The Old Police Station, Park Street, Hungerford, RG17 0EA
Earlier News: 30th August 2020
Unique Property Bulletin
Free, For You, Forever.
Please note, Unique Property Bulletin are in the process of buying + renovating and taking on PAYE staff in order to help the three volunteers. When we started getting over 100,000 readers at a time. In fact here is evidence of something that shocked us: 186,399 folk looked at just one of our featured properties…
The large volume of result from this took our 3 volunteers and spouses
2 weeks to answer all of the emails + texts + telephone calls.
A good thing. But it overloaded volunteers too close to burnout for this site.
The resale price also made an extra 15%.
Our three volunteers and family members have been struggling with the full magazine format at Unique Property Bulletin for quite a while.
This is a not-for-profit entity and has limited resources in terms staff (zero). We either had to close the website (rather than risk messing some of our readers’ house purchase/sale plans), or we had to arrange a way to afford employed staff and offices. Fortunately, we have a brilliant core group of friends and subscribers.
So we decided to keep the Unique Property Bulletin alive and employ some staff.
To help with this, on 28th February 2020, we purchased these new premises. Primarily due to location and price. This building is within 15 minutes of our volunteers and it was an absolute bargain. Reduced from £240,000 to £120,000 and we bought it for £60,000. Okay we need to budget a decent wedge to get the building back to fully-fit condition. But it is a very large property for not much money…
Main Entrance to Unique Property Bulletin Offices:
280 High Street, Arbroath, Angus, DD11 1JF.
We have been fortunate in this three storey building at 280 High Street, also includes a significant two-storey building in James Street into the sale price…
Bargain Time: Two Buildings For The Price of One.
Our Long Term Unique Property Club Members Came Together To Help
Ensure That Unique Property Bulletin Would Survive & Thrive.
The photo above shows eight of the nine very large shop/office windows that are on the ground floor. When added to the second and third floors there are fifteen offices and three storage rooms. Plus various amenities such as washrooms and kitchenette facilities for staff to make their lunch. Indeed directly across the road is a very famous landmark, Arbroath Abbey (842 years old) and is a lovely place to go across for lunchtime open-air break…
Arbroath Abbey Opposite 280 High Street.
Photo Attribution: Reg Haar
If you are new to Unique Property Bulletin, this topic of our new Head Office might seem an unusual. But it is vital if we are to keep bringing you unique places that you might like to buy (also we help our readers looking to sell). Here are three random examples from THOUSANDS featured on this website (and in the paper versions before we went online) since 1987 either for sale or where there are others of a similarstyle coming up for sale…
Lock Keeper’s House, Loughborough Near Leicester. £550,000.
Weird Covid Property Boom. Be Quick: Click Here
Former Dent Station Near To The Lake District. £395,000.
If sold, we guarantee another station like this
will be arriving soon. Possibly to a platform near to you.
To study the details and get a taste for railway homes. Click Here
Tonwell Water Tower, Temple Lane, Ware, Hertfordshire, SG12 0HP
This has been under offer, then for sale, then under offer, then for sale like a YoYo. Click Here
If this unique Hertfordshire building floats your boat, best telephone the agents to make sure if it is on or off the sale list. Remember there will ALWAYS be more of these listed on this website. Thanks to the new Unique Property Bulletin HQ offices we will have many more for you. Just keep checking back to this website regularly to make sure you don’t miss that hidden gem of an unusual house.
Earlier News: 24th August 2020…
An Island Home Away From Covid19?
In answer to a fourfold increase in our reader enquiry numbers for remote property that can be utilised as a safe sanctuary, we present a possible solution to the Covid-19 problem.
An island gem for £690,000 for the WHOLE island.
Or one of the two houses at £245,000.
This article has selected one way where you can live on an island in a country with a remarkably LOW Covid-19 fatality rate. So far just 256 souls have passed away from Coronavirus in the entire country. Whereas in Britain there are 46,413 Caronavirus deaths as based on the UK Government’s own figures. Likely nearer 65,000 fatalities depending on which scientists you trust the most.
Being an island makes it even safer from Covid contagion. How about you take a SABBATICAL for 1 year, maybe even 2 years and LIVE ON AN ISLAND? You can telecommute to work. The past 3 months has proven remote working works well. After a year of two, the world WILL be a much safer place and you may have had the adventure of a lifetime. For more information…
Click Here
Please remember this is just ONE of THOUSANDS of islands all over the world. It so happens you can drive to this island from the UK. Albeit a BBC Top Gear style of adventure drive (25 hours). But it certainly can be done, especially if, for example, you are utilising a motorhome RV in your journey.
We will be featuring more islands than normal during the coming weeks as as this is what our readers ~ you ~ have asked for. All the very best and stay safe,
Russ McLean, Editor, Unique Property Bulletin.
Earlier Update: 24th July 2020
Unique Property Bulletin
A Nuclear Bunker In Norfolk Is Being Listed Here For Auction During September 2020
Artists picture courtesy of the very talented Gregg Smith
Please check back regularly for full details. We are having photos taken right now and these will be uploaded here in a matter of days.
Earlier Update: 10th June 2020.
For Sale…
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
One of our favourite expressions certainly applies to this…
“A neatly arranged pile of bricks that represent a modest challenge for the property renovation enthusiast”.
Aye right. You will needed an advanced degree in architecture and a post-graduate Ph.D in listed buildings. Plus a bank balance in the neighbourhood of Richard Branson. Well in his ballpark before Karma got a hold of Branson’s penchant for threatening the NHS with legal action (here). Anyways, herewith today’s offering for you to consider as your prospective new home.
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Incidentally, we believe that this Church Lodge will sell quickly. Why? It is on an island.
Bizarrely, we have received FOUR times the number of enquires for island based homes since the start of Coviod-19.
We are not totally sur why this should be. Apart from the obvious reason that folk on islands feel safer. I come from a small island and can attest to that. It is like having a great big moat around the place you stay. Though that kind of applies to small private islands with between 5 and 25 folk living on them. Not so much the large islands with 140,000 folk (here) and regular ferries to the mainland!
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Here at Unique Property Bulletin, we have a fondness for the Isle of Wight. Enhanced by the fact our eccentric property club members actually ended up buying the isle of Wight ferry for preservation. A fine old looking thing with beautiful nautical lines (the ferry not the editor)…
The Isle of Wight Ferry: MV Southsea.
(c) McLean & Jones Collection.
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Back In The Day ~ Church Old Lodge.
The Victorians loved to throw open the windows for fresh air.
With good reason, it kept damp and mold at bay as all the overnight (1 litre of water from the lungs) from everyone sleeping in the building was expelled and replaced with dry air. Those Victorian folk knew a thing or two. We just spent well over a hundred thousand pounds renovating a huge building with major damp problems that would not have happened if the habit of opening the windows for 15 to 30 minutes every morning was maintained.
The Old Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Modern day transport has improved since the old MV Southsea + MV Brading and MV Shanklin. Safe distancing needs to be observed aboard al of the isle of Wight ferries in this year of the Coronavirus. We can’t wait for the vaccine and/or (HIV/AIDS style) medicine regimen to take the lethality of the nasty pandemic and get us all to a better place. Soon, you could be sailing on one of these types of ferry to your new home on the Isle of Wight…
Though we still think the old classic we here at Unique Property Bulletin were lucky enough to buy has the best lines. It looks like a proper ship…
Isle of Wight Ferry MV Southsea. A Denny Built Ship.
This Was A Remarkable Shipyard & Had Many Amazing Vessels To Its Name: Click Here. and Here.
Photo Attribution, Mr Pete Robbins
If you are looking to live on an island, ships will soon make their way into your DNA.
A little know fact: The owners of Unique Property Bulletin only stepped in and bought MV Southsea so as to save the vessel from the scrapyard and give the island-based ship preservation society the time and breathing space to sort out their own rescue bid. We managed to keep the vessel away from the scrapyard for the time we owned it and a few years after. Sadly this old faithful ferry ended up being turned into Heinz Beans cans.
But the Isle of Wight ferry rescue experience from our perspective was to prove amazingly helpful when in 2012, another Denny built ship, the TS Queen Mary was faced with the scrapyard. This time we took the lead. An unusual triumvirate: a solicitor, a master mariner and a harbourmaster. Iain Sim, Calum Bryce and Russ McLean established the “Friends of TS Queen Mary Charity”…
So now you know. The Isle of Wight has a direct link in saving the TS Queen Mary. An unusual connection. Had we not gained a great deal of insight into the MV Southsea, then it is likely the grand old ship, TS Queen Mary would have been scrapped.
Thank you Isle of Wight. Thank you M.V. Southsea.
Trustees: Aidan O’Donnell, Russ McLean and Iain Sim.
TS Queen Mary Safe Back On The Clyde In Drydock.
Iain Sim has gone on to raise almost a million pounds and mastermind the ship restoration.
However, we digress. You can, perhaps see how the isle of Wight is close to the hearts of those here at Unique Property Bulletin. If you do by the Church Lodge in Cowes on the island, please consider getting in touch with us.
We have a television company that has asked for candidate properties and the eccentric folk who renovate them to be introduced. Don’t look at any of us here at the Bulletin. We have faces fit only for the radio.
No, you are the next generation and the television companies would love to have a chat. Especially with those who buy neatly arranged piles of bricks for reassembly.
Location of Church Lodge, Church Road, Cowes, Isle Of Wight, PO31 8HA
Further details…
Click Here
Please mention you found this old lodge for renovation in Unique Property Bulletin. Many thanks.
Earlier Update: 8th June 2020.
Please have a read of our petition and hopefully sign it…
Click Here
If the doctors, nurses and ALL who place themselves in harm’s way to help save us from Covid-19 had not stepped up and done their bit, we know for sure at least one of us at this website would no longer be here.
Seriously, one of our lot would not be here if it wasn’t for the NHS and the kind, decent people who turn up day-in, day-out to care for those who are ill.
Our job is to help you find your unique home. This website is free. We do not charge a penny. All we do is volunteer a bit of our time to help you find an unusual home. The NHS and ALL who help do a LOT more. Please help us help them in a small, but hopefully decent way. They do deserve a medal.
Please help make it so.
Click Here
Here at Unique Property Bulletin we don’t ask for money in helping you find your ideal home. But sometimes a couple of minutes and a signature on a petition would mean so much to us. it is one of the few ways we can think of saying thank you in a solid way. Some properties we feature here have up to 186,000 views (here). If just a fraction of those sign our petition to award a medal to those who have placed themselves in harm’s way to save others, then we know this will work. This original petition was established four years ago in respect of the Ebola virus. So many folk got involved that HM Government issued a medal for that pandemic. Surely this Covid-19 is as worthy of the same respect for those who serve.
Thank you.
P.S. PLEASE can you share the petition on you Facebook + Twitter + Instagram pages. That would be hugely appreciated.
Earlier Update: All of May & 30% of June 2020 Lost.
Apologies For An Empty Unique Property Bulletin During The Month of May
Our Computer Imploded
Old Faithful Has Expired.
The Main Unique Property Bulletin Hard-Drive Drove Into The Sunset.
With no access at our main office here at UPB-HQ in Angus, and the backup PC’s on the island of Arran in the west and Noss Head Lighthouse Station in the north inaccessible due to Covid-19 lockdown, it has been a struggle to get back online and update Unique Property Bulletin. Apologies for this.
The brand new Lenovo computer we bought to replace Old Faithful is a piece of carp. The painfully slow data-scavenging Microsoft operating system pre-installed on it should have Bill Gates ashamed of himself. We also pay Bill’s computer geniuses almost £200 every year for three dedicated Microsoft Outlook email addresses. Yet the Microsoft software on this Lenovo craputer BANS use of these as Cortana the robotic troll says the email addresses we pay Mr Gates for are commercial and this computer is domestic. The pre-installed nagging voice robot called Cretin-a didn’t help. Neither was “commercial” and/or “personal” use demarcated on Bill Gates sales literature.
Our Unique Property Bulletin website is a not-for-profit entity run by volunteers. Microsoft have no box to tick for such an entity.
Therefore we need to also apologise if it takes a few days to answer our emails as Bill has locked us out of them. Why we pay him £200 a year for email addresses is a mystery. Does anyone have a clue about Bill’s business model? Charge customers for something that doesn’t work!
I am not a violent man, but Bill Gatews has a smug face you could happily do this to…
Bill Gates has done some pretty amazing things in his life. But the way that his company is going, many of us will swear-off computers for life and go back to telephones and fax machines. Even better, a lot of folk seem to becoming utterly sick of computers and we can suggest several stress-free locations to live where Bill Gates and his internet circus is banned. A lighthouse station for sale is one such candidate (here).
Our apologies for the lack of content on this website for the entire month of May 2020.
Goodness knows we have tried to get back online. Unless you are living in one of the nuclear bunkers or on one of the islands we sell, you will have heard there is a global pandemic. So the lockdown is hampering a new hard-drive being installed into “old faithful”. An Apple operating system. Steve Jobs was not much better than Old Bill, but we could cope with the temperamental idiosyncrasies of an Apple computer.
Microsoft sucks.
Welcome back readers. We shall do our best to help improve an utterly appalling year where we have already lost two friends to that barsteward crappyvirus disease. Perhaps the second half will be a bit better than the first. We certainly hope so.
Keep yourself safe and wash your hands. A lot. In fact, with so many of our readersasking to buy underground bunkers and/or small private islands to get away from the Zombies and Covidiots, maybe we will run a special feature in June with some islands for sale.
Very best wishes,
Russ McLean.
Editor, Unique Property Bulletin.
Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Update: 22/4/2020.
The Oasthouse, The Street, Plaxtol, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 0QG.
The “Listing History” box with the date on it could
save you hundreds of thousands of pounds.
This delightful conversion of a twin oast house located close to London is for sale.
For Full Listing…
Click Here
Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Update: 1/4/2020.
#AfterCovid ~ There Will Be A Demand For Remote Homes!
This Old Mill Ruin Has Planning Permission
It May Suit Going Off-Grid
Watermill features could be incorporated to generate electricity.
Ruin With Planning
Pitscottie Mill, Pitscottie, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5UN
Planning permission for a 4 bedroom detached home. Appears to have lapsed, though there may be an “enduring permission” if building works have been commenced within the (usually) 3 to 5 years from the date permission was granted.
Artists Impression of Rebuild
Pitscottie Mill, Pitscottie, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5UN
Plans can be seen: Here.
Unique Property Bulletin would strongly recommend you look to retaining the company that secured the planning permission as they will have extensive research files and footwork already completed. An astute move would be to contact E. Dalton first. There may be confidentiality issues to start, but the owner should be amenable to providing a letter of comfort to his design company for them to talk with you. If not, then that would set alarm bells off in our book
This site includes approximately 2.96 acres of land.
Architect/Designer’s Drawings…
Newbuild of Pitscottie Mill, Pitscottie, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5UN
Full Planning File Details Online: Here
A couple of observations. Firstly, given the propensity for waterside property to flood with increasing regularity, we would strongly recommend the buyer gets their architect to redesign this rebuild so that all the accommodation is on the first floor and there is simply a garage or some fairly benign empty space on the ground floor in case of flood.
Water Feature At Pitscottie Mill, Pitscottie, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5UN
Second observation: We would highly recommend the new owners look at some form of water generation system so that you can look at going off-grid. Not necessarily the old mill wheel. Though they can be handsome industrial features. More likely a modern micro-generation plant that has a low impact on the building and surrounds. But can generate more than enough for this house and a backup battery system.
Floorplans – In Good Faith But Please Do Not Scale
There is an interesting anomaly with respect to the asking price. Offers around” implies a certain amount of flexibility where the seller may accept below the £110,000 guige.
What intrigues us here at Unique Property Bulletin is that a quick online search reveals the title number to come back at £500,000 (click here). Most likely some plots have already been distilled from the head title and you are buying the rump. From the title plan the seller refers to, that “rump” is quite a nice lump of land…
Title Deed Excerpt: Pitscottie Mill, Pitscottie, Cupar, Fife, KY15 5UN
Interesting one in the circumstances and with many fold just experiencing what quarantine/lock-down feels like, we reckon there will be a significant number of folk looking to move away from the 80 terraced houses and find a sanctuary in a remote area where they can at least wander around the several acres they own.
#AfterCovid will likely become a growing feature once this nasty bug has run its course.
In other words, houses that are remote and where you can telecommute whilst enjoying a good quality lifestyle and some enhanced comforts if/when there is another pandemic will figure in the emotional and psychological scars most of us will have from Covid-19.
Guide: Offers “Around” £110,000. Get Your Haggling-Hat On.
Further details for Pitscottie Mill Building Plot, please…
Click Here
A Friend Emerges From Coronavirus
It is reassuring to see folk you know to survive this vile virus.
Stuart even has his sense of humour intact…
The Editor of This Website Is Often Called “Nail” By His Friends.
It goes back to the 1980s when the term “Russ T. Nail” got shortened!
Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Update: 31/3/2020.
Has self-isolating driven you up the walls yet…
There are far nicer ways to self-isolate AND work from home.
Also earn some cash whilst you are stuck in the house (click here)
Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Update: 30/3/2020.
Should Rightmove plc Donate £5,000,000 of Their Profits
To A LIVELIHOOD Protecting Charity?
A serious question. We would be happy to donate, but would Rightmove plc?
I just lost the plot a bit with Rightmove plc on social media with their poor timing and frankly ill-judged estate agency efforts to flog off overpriced real-estate in a time when doctors and emergency workers are fighting the worst pandemic in 101 years trying their best to save everyone (including estate agents). Rightmove plc are punting this admittedly nice looking home (here) for an abominable £4,750,000 and it got me thinking. Life after Covid-19 will be different. It is likely that over 95% of folk will survive. But over 31% will lose their jobs or take a serious drop in income.
After the LIVES have been saved, there will need to be a concerted effort to save LIVELIHOODS. So if you agree with me on this, please let me know how you feel?
Even if you send just a simple text. If I get a decent level of interest that I can then show to our MP., I WILL register a charity to help protect LIVELIHOODS and our group of six volunteers here at Unique Property Bulletin shall be knocking on the door of Rightmove plc.
A simple text, probably no cost if you are on the usual texting contract. This is my mobile number, nothing fancy and NO premium rates. This website is a not-for-profit blog and we don’t work that way. We help friends find interesting places to live. We do NOT charge commission and we are NOT an estate agency.
If you agree with me that there SHOULD be a registered charity established to protect LIVELIHOODS then please…
TEXT the simple message: “YESJOBS” & Your “NAME” to me at 0749-597-5784
A heartfelt thank you to those Unique Property Bulletin readers ~ and our new visitors, for considering this.
Russ McLean
Russ McLean. Editor of Unique Property Bulletin.
With lady friends to the right of the photo.
Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Update: 25/3/2020.
House & Houseboat Home
Waterside house and bespoke mooring with easy access to the canal network.
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
- Interesting waterside residence
- Good decorative order
- Private mooring dock measuring approximately: 48ft x 12ft
- Approximate 190ft long south facing rear garden
- Walking distance to the centre of Wroxham
- Garage and ample off road parking
- Conservatory
- Gas central heating
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
Full description:-
A pleasant waterside residence set within walking distance of the centre of Wroxham offering generous and flexible accommodation, a 190ft long south facing rear garden and a private 48ft long mooring dyke with access out onto the entire Norfolk Broads network.
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
Located in a quiet, private position, the property would be equally suited to being used as a comfortable and convenient permanent residence or as a low maintenance second home.
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
The accommodation consists of an entrance hall, dining room, semi-open plan to the sitting room, conservatory, fully fitted and well finished kitchen/breakfast room, utility room, study area, ground floor double bedroom and a contemporary shower room. On the first floor there are two further double bedrooms and a family bathroom.
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
Features include full gas fired central heating, sealed unit double glazing, ample off road parking with a detached garage, enclosed and private gardens and personal mooring dock measuring 48ft x 12ft.
Home Offices Are Becoming Increasingly Important In These Regular Pandemic Times
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
The centre of Wroxham is less than half a mile away with a comprehensive range of facilities. Tenure: Freehold
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
Your wet road to freedom: The River Bure
Floorplan For Guidance: Please Do Not Scale
Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
Location Plan: Meadow Drive, Hoveton, Wroxham, Norfolk, NR12 8UN
Courtesy of Google Inc
This waterside house ~guide: £675,000. For further details…
Click Here and Here.
Unique Property Bulletin is a not-for-profit website. We are currently overhauling our organisation and shall be employing staff to reboot the service provided here during the course of 2020. More information about the new jobs: Click Here.
Unique Property Bulletin – Latest Update: 4/3/2020.
London Calling
Former Brigade Fire Station – Completely Renovated & Transformed.
Several of 20 Apartments For Sale…
Belsize Park Firehouse, 36 Lancaster Grove, London, NW3 4PB
This can be very controversial and it bothers us. A lot. We have fire crew, literally on the Board here at Unique Property Bulletin. So when a fire station is closed, there needs to be sensitivity shown. When we can help, we do. But for this former fire station inside the M25 Orbital, it gave 100 years of service and the powers-that-be closed the station. There is little that can be done now to remedy the strong community feeling when the station was earmarked for closure.
One of 20 Apartments: Belsize Park Firehouse, 36 Lancaster Grove, London, NW3 4PB
One of our unique property club members, who is helping keep this free website alive and as a resource for folk seeking an unusual place to live, has been searching for a home in the Capital himself. We promised to keep an eye out, but the prices are making our eyes water more than the fire hose is splashing H20 onto the training tower.
For the price of the cheapest leasehold flat at Belsize Park Fire Station, we could have bought THREE of these 39 acre lighthouse station estates, including 5 former keepers’ houses! Just ONE flat equals three lighthouse stations!
You Could Buy THREE Lighthouse Stations For One London Flat!
However, that would require a 900 mile return commute to your job in London. Also when this Unique Property Bulletin bought the lighthouse station pictured above for £200,000 it took almost the same again in money spent, to bring the Grade A listed buildings back from near dereliction to high-quality habitable condition. So perhaps the old fire station flat in London is not too expensive. It is all relative in the world of property.
Belsize Park Firehouse, 36 Lancaster Grove, London, NW3 4PB
Belsize Park Firehouse, 36 Lancaster Grove, London, NW3 4PB
We wonder what the previous firefighters who lived and worked here might make of the current incarnation at Belsize.
The fire brigade training tower is now a piece of prime London real estate.
The Capital property market continues to defy gravity.
Floorplan For Guidance Only – Belsize Park Firehouse, London, NW3 4PB
Estate agency narrative:-
Flat 12 – A fine two bedroom apartment (approx 588 sqft/ 55 sqm) forming part of the recently renovated Belsize Park Firehouse. A distinctive collection of exclusive new homes crafted from an outstanding Grade II* Listed former fire station at the heart of sought-after Belsize Park. This unique range of 20 one, two and four bedroom luxury apartments extends the rich heritage of this fine building with its Arts and Crafts period architecture, preserved with meticulous attention to detail throughout to create thoughtful and luxuriously contemporary designed homes.
^^^ UK Map: Belsize Park Firehouse, 36 Lancaster Grove, London, NW3 4PB ^^^
Courtesy of Google Inc.
Zooming in to the specific NW3 area of London gives a location…
London Location Map: Belsize Park Firehouse, NW3 4PB
Courtesy of Google Inc.
Please don’t shout at us for featuring this IF you find out one of the apartments you were looking at has sold. This is precisely why we struggle to feature London property: it sells very quickly. But with this former fire station, there are TWENTY apartments, so like the proverbial London bus, if the one you saw has sold, another fire station apartment at Belsize Park is likely to come along the road for sale anytime now.
Belsize Fire Station.
Prices from £715,000 (Leasehold)…
Click Here For Further Information
Archive: Here
Unique Property Bulletin is a not-for-profit website. We are currently overhauling our organisation and shall be employing staff to reboot the service provided here during the course of 2020. More information about the new jobs: Click Here.
Unique Property Bulletin – Earlier Update: 22/2/2020.
Water Tower For Sale
Completely Renovated & Transformed
Location: Suffolk.
From 2010 and for several years after, an owner of this former water tower spent £500,000 buying and converting it to a contemporary home (here)…
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
On 19th July 2019 Culford Water Tower was placed for sale onto Rightmove. The asking price was a cool £1,000,000. We initially reckoned there may be a margin for negotiation given the newspaper article that quoted the costs to buy and convert at £500,000. If this tower whets your appetite, maybe give the estate agent a call: Contact David Burr on 01284 725525 or email and ask whether there is any flexibility on price?
A Beautiful Conversion
The proximity to London and the A12 corridor often nudges what the owner seeks upwards, but who knows, you may bag yourself a genuinely unique home.
Rightmove Indicate This Tower Has Been For Sale 7 Months
Perhaps time for a price “nudge” in favour of the buyer?
However, we routinely check the house price history to get an idea of margins that may be shaved off. Often the first impression (the newspaper article linked above at £500,000) may not be spot on. There was a more recent transfer at £990,000…
Source: Rightmove
Not sure about some readers, but when we have a serious interest in buying a property, the first port of call is the gold-standard source: HM Land Registry…
Unique Property Bulletin does have a licence to reproduce some information from HMLR. But for this water tower, your curiosity will require £3 to £9 to be coughed up. Click here for the excellent HM Land Registry portal in England & Wales. Scotland has a different registry: here.
We Very Much Like Bathroom Design
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
It could be the sale was an internal transfer, and the margins to negotiate down still exist. Hence the HMLR advisory and links. The latest sale may have been triggered by the current owner just changing their mind. Known as “buyer’s regret”. That is why at Unique Property Bulletin we recommend our readers holiday in the unusual genre of property they are focussing on. Try before you buy. Not necessarily in the actual candidate purchase, but at least something similar.
To see if it suits you and you suit it.
There is a lifestyle to these styles of building and it is wise to test whether you like that way of life before spending a million pounds and possibly regretting it.
We Love A Good Spiral Staircase.
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
Torture Room – As If All The Stairs Aren’t Enough Exercise!
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
Onwards and upwards
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
A well-deserved cup of tea after all of those stairs and the dungeon gym workout…
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
Here are the plans for this water tower. Please do NOT scale. They are provided in good faith as a guide so that potential buyers may orientate themselves to the building layout…
The location of this water tower is 82 miles from London (here). Several of our readers have bought a small flat in London where they stay for four nights each week, whilst working in the Capital city and counterbalance this with a commute of 1.5 hours to 2 hours at the end of each week and obtain a massive and amazing piece of property for the other three nights. For all of the beguiling allure that London has to offer, the views from atop of your own water tower, and the space to relax, free from the unrelenting noise has a quality of life value well worth considering.
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB .
Whereas if all the eggs were put into a London house, it would stretch to just a 2 bed flat at most.
The Water Tower, Culford, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP28 6UB
Courtesy of Google Inc.
Some history on this water tower and earlier pricing: click here.
Suffolk Water Tower…
Click Here For Further Information
Archived Details: Here
Unique Property Bulletin is a not-for-profit website. We are currently overhauling our organisation and shall be employing staff to reboot the service provided here during the course of 2020. More information about the new jobs: Click Here.
To read about, and study earlier unique property features…
Previous Unique Property Bulletin Page…
Facebook: Mark Zuckerberg is a prat. Our UPB backup site is now removed by Facebook rogue systems: (here).
TWO Nuclear Bunkers For Sale
One in East Anglia & One in Aberdeenshire
Both bunkers will be advertised on this website during the next couple of weeks. If mole-homes or underground sanctuaries are your thing, then please check back to this Unique Property Bulletin homepage regularly.
UPS-Property Club: Click Here.