Full Magazine Format
Landmark Edition: 1992 to 2017
25 Years of…
Unique Property For Unique People
New Year and new adventures beckon…
Birthplace of Unique Property Bulletin.
This Old Lookout Coastguard Station – Cream coloured property to the left of the lighthouse tower.
In 1986, this Old Lookout building cost us just £5 per annum to lease. Even regular readers didn’t know that!
This edition (January 2017) marks 25 years since the main, paper version of Unique Property Bulletin first came about. Pictured above is the place where it all started. Our passion over that quarter of a century has been to help others – you – to find your own unique place to live. Ideally inveigling you into a bit of mischief along the way. With the advent of an online Unique Property Bulletin, there should be many more adventures to come. Exciting times are on the horizon.
All this started from a small island lookout station as a hobby – with a printed version of this publication…
Original Paper Format Unique Property Bulletin: A4 Format
Now, with the assistance of the internet, we can help our readers buy and sell several million pounds worth of property each year via these very pages. We still get a real buzz when a match can be made with an unusual abode to an eccentric abodee. Back in 1992 we had an old printing machine and produced an A4 paper version of the Bulletin. This old-school approach required regular envelope stuffing parties. A circulation of 500 readers seemed a lot back then. With each edition being manually collated and bulk numbers of Bulletins handed to the local postmaster. The look on his face confirmed there was a respectable number of newsletters in the big box. Over time, we maxed out at 3,000+ readers for the paper format. Fast forward to 2012 and our not-for-profit entity took the plunge and went to full online presentation.
How does this edition’s feature article affect our readers?
1] Our future aim is to boost the way we can help you find your ultimate home.
2] If all goes well, there will be internet jobs here soon for some readers.
In the past five years, Unique Property Bulletin has gone from 3,000 to 42,000 readers when we have a peak month with an extra special property that goes a bit viral (normal monthly average 25,000 to 35,000). The 42,000 month broke our website! The cause – a three page article in a national newspaper (click here). This was very welcome. The high volume readership experience vividly brought home the power of the internet. Our sister Lighthouses For Sale website did well too with over 38,500 unique visitors. For a couple of hours, the extra thousands of website visitors crashed our main Bulletin websites. An interesting learning curve in IT and how important electrons travelling up a copper telephone wire in binary code can be in securing, for example, a castle for a home. I bet the builders of such medieval properties in the year 1417 would think us all a little demented if we tried to describe how their stone masonry structures would be sold by electricity webs 600 years into the future…
White Castle, Athy. Built in 1417
White Castle is not currently for sale, but in a quarter of a century of producing Unique Property Bulletin, we have witnessed a millennium of castles feature for sale and find new owners. Several sell each year on this website, so if neatly arranged medievel stones are your thing, keep an eye out for our regular listings. On the subject of ancient things…
Unique Property Bulletin Founder: Russ McLean At Davaar Island Lighthouses
Happy Days + Rictus Grin + Lady Friends To The Right
The Mirror newspaper requested a photograph, otherwise the face for radio usually says no!
Even radio interviews are a little uncomfortable at times for our core folk who prefer privacy. At Unique Property Bulletin we run the websites with five volunteers and it is generally left to the slowest out of the door when a radio or television producer calls!
Our Founder’s Face For Radio Prefers Privacy. But When Asked, We Like To Say Yes To Benefit Our Readers.
Though if any of our readers are up to the task of radio interviews, we would gladly award you “Volunteer Number 6” status!
We know it is important to our readers to give the best interviews that we are able to provide. Whether in newspapers, on radio, or indeed the many researchers for mainstream television programmes who call in and ask for candidate properties for the likes of Amazing Spaces, Grand Designs, and the newer kids on the block with Charlie Luxton’s latest property incarnation. All of this helps us help our readers sell their unique homes. Indeed a virtuous circle as we are steadily becoming the first port of call for sellers to place their unusual properties with us and that is what our buyer readership delight in.
Since our IT friend passed away a couple of years ago, forensic analysis of the site numbers isn’t so detailed, but just an empirical addition of page views leaves us astounded…
67,774 per month
Even the Lighthouses For Sale website amazes us. It remains regularly in the top 3 Google rankings for the genre (here) and in the past year has averaged numbers which would have left our old envelope filling wine fuelled parties well stuffed. We would all be waddling around like a paxoed Christmas Turkey with a cactus enema. Lighthouses For Sale page views for 2015-2016…
18,057 per month
Bearing in mind the lighthouse website is very much a genre for the niche buyer, an 18,000 readership (December 2017) seems to reflect a decent enough content. Each year we have several lighthouse sales exclusively as a result of this dedicated website. Not a huge number, but these iconic structures are very rare with a shortage of supply. Plus we are not an estate agency, so the purchase/sale dynamic is different. Less stressful. Introducing buyer and seller certainly works. Sometimes an estate agency is utilised. Much depends upon the preference of the lighthouse owner.
Strathy Point Lighthouses. Spiritual Home of Unique Property Bulletin
Click on the picture above to watch the video from Les Armishaw.
At the time of writing, we aren’t able to feature the personal purchases of our buying/selling members for privacy reasons. However, we can disclose some of the public domain unique property club adventures to give readers a flavour of what has gone before, and the style of buildings that will be available in the future. Both in pictures and in monetary terms. Finance issues have always been given significant coverage in the Unique Property Bulletin as, simply put, money can make the difference between your dream property materialising, or simply being a nice, fuzzy, warm dream that never becomes reality. For a small group of friends and colleagues, the first financial period of our dedicated unique-property-club are informative. Remember this is a hobby from a small, obscure property newsletter buying some of the unusual buildings and items we found and featured in these very pages!
Turnover to 31/5/2000 £217,500
Gross Profit: £133,500
Source: Here
Turnover to 14/8/2001 £496,672
Gross Profit: £125,172
Source: Here
Added to all of this is the fact, this still relatively unknown publication has, through the unique property syndicates and the subsequent Real Dragons’ Den spin-off, created over 100 new jobs. There was, and still is another big buzz that friends on this website are helping create real jobs from what is essentially a hobby gone wrong. In a magnificently eccentric way.
Some iconic buildings were on our radar. Literally. For example this one at Felixstowe, Suffolk in 1994…
RAF Bawdsey Manor – Birthplace of Radar (c) Photo by Russ McLean
Unique Property Syndicates bid on this 22 years ago. Outbid by 10%
Other larger candidate properties for property clubs in the Bulletin included…
Click on the picture above to watch the video of Wentworth Woodhouse.
Large, Larger & Largest!
Seriously big. Almost overwhelming. The Wentworth Woodhouse project took two days to inspect. It was a very close call. Prudence suggested we leave this one. In fact this property was advertised as “bigger than Buckingham Palace”. We reckoned millions of pounds in repairs meant it would be a very risky money pit and not a bargain. History proved it was the correct decision (here). But it would have been fun (here)! The unique property clubs have looked at big and small properties with enthusiasm for all of them. For example this diminutive tower had a lot to offer, and an interesting price tag.
More Modest Candidates For House Conversion
Kinfauns Tower: £28,000 – But we were outbid.
The icing on the cake, is the fact that our rebooted club: Unique Property Syndicates now has 365 folk on the email alert list (click here to join), and the current membership there have already indicated an intention to consider actual property purchases up to:-
The forthcoming year and beyond is redolent with interesting property adventures.
The aim of these unique property-clubs is:-
1] To safely grow members’ funds so they can eventually afford their own unusual home.
2] To help restore unique property during various adventures.
3] To do this is a secure manner where no mortgage and no bank borrowing is involved.
4] For members to enjoy unique properties.
A quarter of a century ago we started a fairly simple process. We are all delighted to continue that. The essence is simply summed up in our mantra…
“Unique Property For Unique People”
So in our article continued later on in this Bulletin, we provide a reverie of just some of the properties that readers have bought. Each one contains a story. Every single building has an adventure, and hopefully a home at the end of the process.
A Futuro House – Rare & Collectible (Here)
An example of Bulletin content actively being sought and bought. Eccentric credentials remain intact.
It is becoming apparent that quite a few people are visiting with us to study what is on offer
Second Half of This Feature – Later In This Edition.
Regular Bulletin Listings Now Follow
Wow Factor 8
One of our favourite unique property projects to get 2017 started.
Will you be the buyer of this?
Sykehouse Water Tower, South Yorkshire
Currently for sale “as is” – but with planning permission for conversion into a genuinely unique home…
Sykehouse Water Tower, South Yorkshire – Plans For This Style of Conversion
The basic tower is being sold with a guide of £55,000
Sykehouse Water Tower, South Yorkshire – Round The Back Elevation
It will be up to the new owner to convert the old to the new…
Sykehouse Water Tower, South Yorkshire
Drawings Courtesy of Neil Bowen Architects (click here)
Maybe worth contacting Kevin McCloud at Grand Designs. Seriously – the iconic television series producers and researchers are always looking for candidate properties.
Sykehouse Water Tower, South Yorkshire
Photo Courtesy of Glyn Drury
This redundant water tower now has full planning permission granted (REF No 16/01422/FUL) to convert into a striking and contemporary four bedroom dwelling. There are excellent views from the upper floors to the surrounding countryside. Sykehouse is an attractive village located some 12 miles north east of Doncaster. Arterial transport links are around 9 miles to Junction 5 and Junction 6 on the M18. This affords easy access to the regional motorway network of the M1, M18, M62 and A1 opening up Sheffield, Leeds and Hull.
Address: Sykehouse Water Tower. Off Chapel Lane, Sykehouse, Near Goole, South Yorkshire, DN14 9BN
Guide: £55,000 “as is”. Please note this guide is for the tower in it’s current condition and NOT the completed dwelling.
Further Details: Click Here
Google 3D Streetview: Click Here
Google Map Location: Click Here
Contact: Click Here Please can folk let the owner know you found this old water tower for sale in the Unique Property Bulletin. We are then able to demonstrate to the estate agents selling each property that our not-for-profit websites help their clients, and in so doing can encourage them to support the Bulletin. By helping us this way, we can continue to help you. A virtuous circle. Archived Details For Future Reference: http://archive.is/uCHPR
The Grainery, Lincoln
Otherwise known as a neatly arranged pile of bricks
The Old Grainery, Billinghy, Lincoln, LN4 4AY
One For The Brave.
This building is more groaning than graining. This is a bargain o’ bricks. The estate agency narrative is awful. Full of cliche ridden adjectives.
We can but let the photograph paint the thousand words. Ahh, there we go with cliches. Must be contagious – it can be difficult to avoid them with some properties.
Address: The Old Grainery, Billinghy, Lincoln, LN4 4AY.
Guide: £80,000. But this has been for sale for over 2 years so possibly time for a haggle on price.
Further Details: Click Here
Google 3D Streetview: Click Here
Google Map Location: Click Here
Archived Details For Future Reference: Click Here
Contact Browns Estate Agency – Tel 01529 687004.
Railway Station House + Cafe + Income
Dorset railway life with a difference
Old Station Master’s House, Gillingham, Dorset
Photograph courtesy of Geoff Sheppard
An interesting conversion of a former station master’s house, originally built and opened in 1859…
Turf Cutting – Curious To Think of This As A Field & No Station Nor Railway
Photograph courtesy of Geoff Sheppard
Now a conversion has brought the property into a new phase of life.
The current layout has four individual elements:-
Commercial Unit 1: Currently let on a Full Repairing & Insuring (FRI) lease with annual rent reviews.
Commercial Unit 2: Café – Currently let on a FRI lease with annual rent reviews.
First Floor Flat 1 – Unfurnished – Kitchenette/Sitting Room; Bedroom; Ensuite Shower Room. Currently let on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy from 18th September 2010.
Second Floor Flat 2 – Unfurnished – Kitchenette/Sitting Room; Bedroom; Ensuite Shower Room. Currently let on an Assured Shorthold Tenancy from 19th October 2013.
The gross rental income as at the 1st December 2016 is £19,148.40 per annum.
Located in The Beautiful County of Dorset
Either buy as an investment, or possibly purchase and when one of the flats becomes available stay in it yourself. Ideal for those who like to spend the summer in the UK but winter in the south of France, Spain, Italy and could do with a modest annuity from the rental part of this four unit conversion at the old Gillingham Station. Although, all year round in this lovely part of Dorset is no bad thing. Quite a bit of history as well…
The Old Station on Market Day
Please note the main building in this picture is not for sale. It is the one opposite.
Address: Station Master’s House, Station Yard, Gillingham, Dorset, SP8 4PZ
Guide: £210,000
Further Details: Click Here
Google 3D Streetview: Click Here
Google Map Location: Click Here
Archived Details For Future Reference: Click Here
Background information: Click Here
Contact – Chapman Moore Agencies: 01747 859070. Please can folk let the owner/agent know you found this old railway station master’s house conversion for sale in the Unique Property Bulletin. We are then able to demonstrate to the estate agents selling each property that our not-for-profit websites help their clients, and in so doing can encourage them to support the Bulletin. By helping us this way, we can continue to help you. A virtuous circle.
Safety Backup Bulletin Website
For the first time in 4 years this website went offline for 93 minutes at around 2300 hours on 24 January 2017. This sort of thing happens to many websites big and small (here). So as to minimise any disruption for our readers, we run near identical websites on TWO separate webservices. One located in Austin, Texas and the other in Reykjavík, Iceland. This ensures that if one goes offline, the other will almost always be available. Double redundancy.
If at any time you find our website offline, try changing the suffix to our backup site. Type the ending with .org to .co.uk or vice versa. That should ensure you have continuity of access…
On the very rare occasion that either of our webhosting services experiences difficulty and you end up with a DNS page offline notice, the operation at two separate webhosting facilities should mean you are always able to access the Unique Property Bulletin. If you are thinking of starting your own website, especially in pursuit of your new unique lifestyle, we would thoroughly recommend you have a backup website on a completely separate webhost. It costs a little extra, but can ensure that the dreaded offline experience is mitigated in as much as can be reasonably enabled.
Hot Property
Lincoln Labour of Love – Live Life On The Warm Side
The Old Fire Station, York Terrace, Billinghay, Lincoln
Following a conversion from a fire station to a detached home, there is approximately 2000 square feet of accommodation. Current configured in an open plan layout to provide five bedrooms and plenty of living space. The estate agency weblink below has a fine selection of photographs.
The Old Fire Station, York Terrace, Billinghay
Too hot in summer? Then just open the old engine room door for alfresco living
A good friend of the Bulletin has been looking for one of these old fire stations. Although he insists on one with a traditional fire station pole between floors. Unfortunately this station at Lincoln has no pole so it’s a no sale for him this time round.
A quick way to get the day started and head for breakfast….
Photo courtesy of Mr J. A. Bowersmith
And going up…. Perhaps?
Click on the picture above to watch the video.
This former fire station for sale at Lincoln is a good example of the finished project. It has some very nice retained features from the old fire station use.
The Old Fire Station, York Terrace, Billinghay, Lincoln
But if you are proactively looking to buy an old fire station of the two storey variety, or indeed any hot property of this style in need of conversion, perhaps check our our special webpage to help you give you a head start finding off-market property disposals that include fire stations Click Here.
A modest fee of £3.65 applies. That helps to keep this not-for-profit website going.
The austerity drive that has beset the UK over recent years has seen many smaller fire stations close. This is of course controversial.
Our prediction? The circle of life. We’ve seen it when all the city tram tracks were ripped up and scrapped 50 years ago. Then some bright spark sees trams as the way forward. Many millions of pounds are spent reinstalling these tracks and so the circle of life goes round. Same thing will happen to smaller fire stations. Short termism will see many more closed. Ten, twenty or thirty years from now, someone will come up with the idea that rural stations were a good idea to increase life saving after all, and start building new ones.
But for now, all we can do is ensure the closed down buildings don’t become derelict eyesores. Converting these heroic buildings into homes is a reasonable way to do this.
The Old Fire Station, York Terrace, Billinghay, Lincoln
Estate agency narrative:
1 x Master Bedroom suite
1 x Double Bedroom
3 x Single Bedrooms
External: The Old Fire Station is enclosed with 6ft high ivy clad walls, which make it very private, secure and secluded. There are further terraced areas for sitting out very safe and secure place for children and pets, all designed to be of very low maintenance.
To the front of the property there’s the forecourt with parking for several vehicles,. There is also a double garage. Double red gates out onto private lane into the main village.
All in all, if you bought the old fire station in Lincoln, then it might be a good excuse to purchase one of these old classic to complement the house…
Fire Engine Not Included
Or perhaps the seller might consider tempting a buyer this way
Address: The Old Fire Station, York Terrace, Billinghay, Lincoln, LN4 4HL
Guide: £239,950
Further Details: Click Here
Google 3D Streetview: Click Here
Google Map Location: Click Here
Archived Details For Future Reference: Click Here
Contact: 0203 667 7065. Please can folk let the owner/agent know you found this old fire station for sale in the Unique Property Bulletin. We are then able to demonstrate to the estate agents selling each property that our not-for-profit websites help their clients, and in so doing can encourage them to support the Bulletin. By helping us this way, we can continue to help you. A virtuous circle.
What Flavour of Reader Are You?

Each Unique Property Bulletin is written for at least THREE styles of reader…
NEW READERS: If this is your first time on this site – welcome. Every few days you can catch a new unique property on our Facebook and Twitter newsfeeds click here and here. Also you will find hundreds of earlier editions online – lots of unusual properties for you to consider as a new home. The menu at the right hand side of this page will give you links to these. Plus you can pro-actively find your unusual home by acquiring a copy of our Unique Property Manual: here. It’s also worth joining our email alert facility so you are sent a link for each new edition: here.
REGULAR READERS: We love you. You know how the Unique Property Bulletin works. Please keep your emails coming in to us (via here). Your helping us share details of unusual properties with each other and the adventures that such projects bring about ensure we all have a great deal of fun. Thanks.
HARD CORE: You know the score. So far we’ve had 18 unique property syndicates. All the ground work for 2016 has been completed and we have UPS19, UPS20 and UPS21 very much under way. 2017 is shaping up to be a very busy year. If you want to go from regular reading to participating in an unusual property adventure – owning a lump of lighthouse or a corner of a castle, then consider joining our unique property syndicate alerts: click here.
Example of an earlier (completed) unique property club…
Old Stables With Wonderful Sea Views
One of 18 real life unique property club adventures from these pages.
This old steading plus barn building at the lower level of this site cost just £22,500.
Would you like to know what happened next?
Click Here to study this real life Unique Property Syndicate.
Click Here To Find Our More
One For Anna Duggal 🙂
Haile Sand Fort IS For Sale
Full Details: Click Here
Reader’s Island For Sale
Between Placenia & Caye Caulker, Belize
Photo/Graphic Courtesy of Google Maps
Direct from one of our readers – here is a small island off of the Belize Coast.
The part-filled mangrove island is the closest bit of paradise to the unspoilt village of Hopkins: halfway down the coast of Belize. It takes about 20 minutes to reach the shore by motor boat. The island is approximately halfway between Placencia and Caye Caulker and would lend itself to a great stop off point for yachts and tourists from Hopkins.
Between Placenia & Caye Caulker – Looks Like Paradise
Situated in the Blue Ground Range, famous for its wonderful azure sea. There are beautiful corals around the caye, and dolphin spotting is a daily occurrence.
There is a water collection system, solar system with back up generator (very rarely needed) and two wooden properties on the caye. A small cabin. And a larger house with upstairs sleeping accommodation.
Average Temperatures At 80 Degrees. Maybe A Bit Warm? Though Some Like It Hot
Activities include fishing, birdwatching, snorkelling sunbathing, island hopping etc. Please contact the owner for more details.
Address: Between Placenia & Caye Caulker, Belize.
Guide: £400,000
Further Details: Click Here
Google Map Location: Click Here
Archived Details For Future Reference: Click Here
Contact: Click Here for an introduction to the owner.
Try Before You Buy
Please note, the unusual property in this listing that follows is NOT currently for sale. It is featured so that readers who like this flavour of abode can study whether it is possible to live here for a while, and if that works out, then graduate to somewhere that you can buy and live permanently. From experience Unique Property Bulletin believe it is important to stay a while at the more exotic or remote places to establish whether such a lifestyle suits you and vice versa.
Leeds Castle
Located In Maidstone, Kent
Beautiful & Picturesque Leeds Castle – An Amazing Holiday Venue
Click Here For Leeds Castle Website
Or telephone Leeds Castle Enquiries: 01622 765400
Address: Leeds Castle, Maidstone, Kent, ME17 1PL
Outwood Windmill For Sale
Sails in Surrey
Outwood Windmill, Outwood Common, Outwood, Surrey
Grade I listed 1665 Windmill for sale. Included is a detached bungalow. All located at the heart of Outwood Village. For those seeking a more idyllic way of life, possibly telecommuting, the broadband speed here can reach a very respectable 76 Mbps.
Outwood Windmill stands as a landmark close to the village common. The windmill is surrounded by beautiful National Trust countryside. There are numerous walks and bridleways to explore. Local shop facilities are at Smallfield – a little over a mile away. As is Salfords station with commuter services to Redhill, Croydon and London. Gatwick airport is about 6 miles to the south, whilst junction 6 of the M25 is a similar distance to the north.
Outwood Windmill – State of The Art Back In The Day
There is contemporary accommodation in the former stable block conversion which has been lovingly refurbished to a high standard to include three bedrooms and spacious open plan living accommodation. There is a potential business opportunity to rekindle and enhance this cottage industry by reopening the windmill to visitors. The possible addition of a tea room is understood to be supported by the local authority keen to see the windmill reopened for tours.
Outwood Windmill – Contemporary Conversion Included
The bright and airy converted stable block was refurbished in 2006. The ‘L’ shaped entrance hall gives access to the rest of the accommodation. To one side is the large open plan kitchen/dining/living area and to the other the three bedrooms and bathrooms.
Outwood Windmill – Stable Block Accommodation – Beautiful Interiors
The kitchen is fitted with an ‘L’ shaped range of wall and base units, tiled splash back, integrated oven and electric hob with an extractor fan over and a one and half enamel sink and drainer. There is ample space for all other appliances and the possibility to extend the kitchen units if required. The wood effect flooring continues from here throughout the property complimenting the wooden double glazed windows and natural wooden cottage doors.
Outwood Windmill, Main Millstone – In Case You Run Out of Flour
The grounds to the three bedroom property include the magnificent ‘Outwood Windmill’, offering the opportunity for enthusiasts to be part of the impressive, well documented history dating back 350 years. The oldest working windmill in England, this majestic building shows off her intricate workings beautifully and with a little knowledge one would be able to make one’s own flour.
Outwood Windmill – Picturesque Grounds
Within the grounds is a three sided, barn style, double garage with separate power and water supply, off road parking for a number of vehicles, a ticket office, a large pond and children’s play area.
Address: Outwood Windmill, Outwood Common, Outwood, Surrey, RH1 5PW.
Guide: £800,000
Further Details: Click Here
Google 3D Streetview: Click Here
Google Map Location: Click Here
Archived Details For Future Reference: Click Here
Outwood Windmill Website: Click Here
Contact: Click Here or telephone: 07901 130779. Please can folk let the owner/agent know you found this old windmill for sale in the Unique Property Bulletin. We are then able to demonstrate to the estate agents selling each property that our not-for-profit websites help their clients, and in so doing can encourage them to support the Bulletin. By helping us this way, we can continue to help you. A virtuous circle.
Kindle Wizard Wanted
£150 Reward – 3 of These Crisp Notes…
Honorarium: £150 in Total
In the October 2016 edition of Unique Property Bulletin we placed a couple of paragraphs seeking an IT computer wizard to help with HTML coding issues for our Google Adsense website adverts.
Within a few days one of our readers was came onboard and worked his magic. An IT genius. We had a difficult job getting him to accept an honorarium for his good deeds. He reiterated a phrase in responding to our this not-for-profit website, which moved those of us here that regularly volunteer to keep the thing doing. He wanted to help…
“For the love of it.”
A good guy and fast becoming a firm friend.
So this month we have another call for assistance. This time it is to locate someone who is an expert with Kindle. One of the ways we pay the costs of running this free website is via a book we sell: Unique Property Manual. Since first publication 2012 we’ve sold enough copies to pay a significant chunk of our annual webhosting costs and regular computer hardware kit updates. The book is 110 pages long in an A5 portrait format (click here).However, each month we get quite a few folk asking for a Kindle version. We actually had a go with a direct online e-book…
However, that would not have the reach of Amazon’s Kindle. Nor does our trial effort above have important features like remembering the page you were on between reading sessions.
All the while, our Bulletin readers are asking for a Kindle version of the Unique Property Manual.
So we are seeking help from someone who knows how to work Amazon’s e-book system to get in touch with us to migrate the Unique Property Manual onto the Kindle platform. As for Amazon, they say it’s easy (click here). No it ruddy well isn’t. We have tried their ‘easy’ publishing palaver and just end up with a stonking headache and necking the paracetamol…

Click Here Fort Kindle Website
To get in touch, please…
Click Here To Help With Kindlefication
P.S. Within 7 days of this edition going online we now have three kind folk offering to help. This is quite humbling. If you have Kindle skills, please do still get in touch. Though just for the moment we seem to have this e-book conversion in hand. THANK YOU.
Auction Finds
This Edition: Roy Pugh Auction
A Failed To Sell At Auction (FTSAA) – A Bargain To Be Had…
Plans for conversion of this old cop shop into 8 homes has been mooted: click here.
Haslingden Police Station. Blue Lamp Bliss & Seasonal Snow
Further Details: Click Here – Upset price £210,000. Possibly under £199,000?
Archive Here.
If you would like a reminder email each month, once each new Unique Property Bulletin goes online, please feel free to join our ALERT list. Just…
Click Here To Receive Email Alert’s For Each New Unique Property Bulletin
…fill in the brief form typing the Subject Header with the simple word “ALERT” and we will do the rest 🙂 ensuring that a weblink for each new Bulletin is sent for you to enjoy each month.
Unique Property Competition
Sponsored By Scotslion – Real Dragons’ Den – Click Here
For 2017 the new format of Unique Property Bulletin competitions are in two parts…
1] Guess The Name?
If you can email the correct name of this diminutive pot sized castle to us by 28th February 2017 you will win one of three copies of Unique Property Manual. Trebling your chances of a prize from previous competitions.
Click Here To Enter Guess The Name Contact Page
2] Photograph Competition
We popped out to take the inaugural photo of the castle above which is but 5 minutes away from Bulletin HQ. Easy. From many years on the go, we know that readers are located in every corner of the UK and as such, you are likely to have an old windmill, lighthouse, air control tower, church conversion water tower near to you.
So if you have an unusual property near to you, and would like to take a nice snap and email it to us, we will choose the best and that will be the published for the next competition
Photo Prize £25
The editor’s decision is final. Also by submitting your picture of a unique property near to you, you consent to us reproducing it and given the ways of the internet, it is wise to agree that creative commons rights and attributions flow from that (here)
To enter into the photograph competition, please send us an email on our standard contact form and we will then sort out the jpeg attachment/submission process for you. Good luck.
Click Here To Enter Unique Photo Competition Entry Contact Page
Just a text email first and we will sort out the jpeg transfer in the reply email.
Architecturally Unique
Please note, in each edition of the Bulletin we feature the work of a unique architect. These properties are usually NOT for sale, but are included to help inspire readers as to the talent that abounds when the mind of a good architect meets the imagination of a unique property person. Something that little bit special is often created by the synergy. Also please don’t worry if the architect is a long distance away from your building site – modern technology has systems expressly designed to bridge what were once significant obstacles to remote design. With broadband, you can acquire international flavour in the blink of an Ipad. Enhanced by Skype and CAD, most things are now possible.
The Nautilus House
Impressive exterior – sublime interior…
The Nautilus House
So our
Commended Architect
For this Unique Property Bulletin is:-
Javier Senosiain
Click Here For This Architect’s Dedicated Website
1992 to 2017
25 Years of…
Unique Property For Unique People
2017 marks the 25th year since the main, paper version of the Bulletin first came about. 2017 also signals a new era in how we enhance readers’ ability to secure that unique home of their desires.
Bulletin Birthplace: The Old Lookout, Davaar Island
This picture is from 1983 – at the start of renovation. Although the Unique Property Bulletin didn’t actually come along until 1992. Since then it has been a constant and good companion for a quarter of a century.
So after 25 years on the go, how are things at the end of 2016 and the start of 2017?
Firstly, many friends have been made along the journey.
All of us at this end of the keyboard writing, would like to thank you for reading. Plus the emails you send in (via here). These are an essential part of the process: finding you a new home.
Also we’d like to help offer up a number of options to work from your new home if that happens to be part of your own plan. The example of lighthouses illustrates this. Twenty five years ago many readers liked the idea of lighthouse life and remote living. When you see what millions of folk endure with the daily commute, the attractions of a sanctuary far from the madding crowd has a profound appeal…
How Much of Your Life Is Spent Commuting?
For example 30 minutes each day over 40 years of working life equals 1 year and 35 days stuck in a jam!
But given that the vast majority of lighthouse towers are now automated, and the old keepers’ retired off, how do you earn a living in this sort of remote location? Now, 25 years later, one excellent solution is, of course, working via the internet. Pick a subject that you love and start a website. Or if that is not your bag, then there are many companies that work by having employees telecommute: click here and here for example.
Would You Like To Homework From Here Via The Internet?
As for the Unique Property Bulletin – it is still as much good fun now as it was in the beginning. A lot of property sellers and buyers have been introduced to each other. These are real properties that have been bought and sold via direct introductions made on the very web pages you are reading right here and now….
UKWMO – Underground Bunker – ROC Penshurst
Sold directly via Unique Property Bulletin
UKWMO Penshurst – Access Hatch
From small, hidden underground bunkers to lighthouse keepers’ homes by large beacons of light…
Tarbat Ness Lighthouse Compound
The buyers and sellers introduced via Unique Property Bulletin go from “A” to “Z” – Air Control Towers, Barns, Castles, Distilleries, Eco-Houses, Forts, Islands, Martello Towers – all the way through to Windmills, Water Towers and even Zoos!
We have always run the Bulletin as a not-for-profit entity and with volunteers. This website is explicitly NOT an estate agency. However, a recent tally has shown in excess of £7,750,000 of property sold. Okay that is spread over a quarter of a century, but some of the unusual homes go for just a few thousand pounds. For example £8,000 bought this old chapel via an earlier edition…
Old Paper Unique Property Bulletin
It was a postage stamp sized plot in Suffolk, East Anglia with no planning permission to convert into a home. But persistence paid off. Eventually the planners allowed change of use permission for this to become somebody’s house. It’s worth a lot more than eight grand today!
It takes a lot of these £8,000 buildings and introductions to exceed the seven million pound mark. For an obscure publication, none too shabby an outcome. Even better, two off-shoots directly from these pages have had startling results.
One of the Bulletins best spin-off endeavours was more accident than design. The Real Dragons’ Den initiative. Since 2001 it has created over 100 jobs (here). All from an enterprise which is essentially a hobby. We will leave the full narrative of Unique Property Bulletin’s Real Dragons’ Den story for another edition. For now we can summarise it as what happens when the unique property syndicates have a few members who enjoy profitable lighthouse transactions and re-invest some of that good fortune into the local community by refurbishing and re-opening empty shops…
Closed. Unused. Unloved.
Many shops all around the country close down and become a blot on the High Street
Over 24 old closed shops, empty hotels, near derelict industrial unit re-openings later there have been in excess of 100 jobs created. This has been a great journey so far. Much of it thanks due to you. The little Unique Property Bulletin made that happen. But only with a lot of help – from many of you guys reading this. Thank you.
The Old, Closed Betting Shop: Re-opened. In Good Use. Loved.
Refurbished with a wonderful new tenant. More details: click here
The main reason for mentioning our Real Dragons’ Den endeavours is we now know when something moves from being just a hobby to a potential business. A prime example as we move from 21016 to 2017 is the Unique Property Bulletin. We want it to remain a not-for-profit entity, but there is simply too much website traffic, emails and property transactions to run the thing as a hobby any longer. The growth in readership is NOT a bad thing. In fact it is a wonderful experience. We just need to restructure and future-proof this publication. This is our New Year resolution for 2017.
Peoples’ homes are too important to be ‘just’ a recreational pursuit on a website. At the Bulletin we are already down by two volunteers from our small team. Plus one passed away in July and another has a season-ticket for the local hospital. There is some good news on in that we have two new helpers such as Steve B., and Susan M., who have been incredibly helpful and kind over the past few weeks and are de facto volunteers at the Bulletin now. They even have certificates to prove it 🙂 . But it is unfair to bundle all the effort here onto a volunteer team. Especially as we are having to deal with millions of pounds worth of property each year. Moving from 2016 to 2017 we are now at a stage when the time has come to restructure this website and the company. Get things to a point where the Bulletin can afford a couple of staff members to augment and support the voluntary side of this organisation.
Unique Property Bulletin’s First Online Days: 2012
Solitary Laptop – innocuous yes? What could go wrong?
We were late to accept the internet. Resisting the worldwide web like spiders at Custer’s Last Stand. But a small laptop from good friend Grant Macpherson and a gentle, kind, even Herculean effort by Mick and Phil got us online in 2012 and this has been a real eye opener. 5 years after going digital we are still bowled over by the numbers and also the capacity to make friends from every part of the country.
So how can a not-for-profit Bulletin afford an office and some staff? Given we like to do things via an unusual methodology, we will remedy the situation by creating funds to buy a building. This will have sufficient space to sublet 75% and derive a rental income. The inbound funds will be used to pay staff. The Bulletin will still have volunteers, but by structuring the future in this way, we will ensure emails are always answered and the publication continues. Most importantly our readers have an enduring selection of amazing properties to consider buying and transforming their lives.
Unique Property Bulletin: Just One Volunteer’s Study: 2016/2017
The computers are multiplying! Breeding like digital rabbits. Time To locate an office and some staff. As you can see – the Bulletin is taking over living rooms and studies in London, Essex, Cardiff, Belfast, Argyll and Angus. Not sure if that is good or bad, looking back at the days of that solitary laptop. But it is still a lot of good fun along the way.
How will we “create” sufficient funds to buy a building for the Bulletin? Our unique property clubs can help make this happen. Since we rebooted these in 2016 there are now 203 good folk in the club (up from 72 in the plc days). If you haven’t already seen how our group of hard coreBulletineers go about purchasing and selling unique properties from these pages, take a look at the numbers: click here and here. First phase 1998 to 2001 had a healthy £714,172 turnover and produced a verified profit in excess of a quarter of a million pounds, to be precise: £258,672. After the initial three years we had to go into a public limited company (plc) format. More of that elsewhere.
Better still, have a leisurely read of Unique Property Syndicate 17 (Click Here). This was a relatively small property club. Just 4 members. Some of our unique property clubs have up to 20 members. In all, since 1998 there have been 18 such projects. We are now on UPS19, UPS20 and UPS21. But here is a completed syndicate – number 17 (UPS17) for you to study.
Unique Property Club 17 Vital Statistics
Purchase Price £22,500. Resale: £46,000.
Gross Profit: £23,500.
Owned for 59 days.
Full Details: click here.
The Old Stables: Net Profit: £20,278.34
To read more about this unique property syndicate number 17: click here
To join the unique property syndicate mailing list: click here
Two ruinous buildings and a plot of land with wonderful views. Our property clubs run on a “Plan A” or“Plan B” protocol. Plan A is a robust remarketing effort to resell at a profit after we take ownership. Plan B is to renovate the unique property ourselves and for club members to own their slice of it for recreation and fun. Most of the time we end up with a Plan Aoutcome. That is good too as it allows members to grow nest eggs to a point where individual members can buy a specific type of unusual home that appeals most directly to their sensitivities. Our batting average is fairly good too. Of the 18 unique property syndicates completed so far, 14 have made a profit, 2 have made a loss and 2 broke even.
For the purposes of this narrative, the property club adventures clearly and evidently produce a decent amount of profit to share around our participating members and the Bulletin will be partaking in a slice of the rebooted unique property syndicates with the aim of buying a suitable mortgage-free building to ensure solid continuity.
So the Unique Property Bulletin goal for 2017 is to acquire a dedicated building – in perpetuity – for this publication. Put that property into a not-for-profit trust. Then rent out 75% of the property and use that money to pay a couple of members of new staff. We have good hopes this plan will work.
This should also help us to help you. Our job after all is said and done is to help our readers and friends to find a unique home to live in.
Before finishing this edition, how about your plans? We would love to hear from you. Just drop us an email…
Click Here To Get In Touch
And a very Happy New Year for you in 2017
Goodbye Old Year – Pictured Above Is The Unique Property Bulletin Diary For 2016
In truth, 2016 didn’t feel like the best of years. Though in fairness there have been several high points. The eventual rebooting of the property clubs is a main piece of progress, and we look forward to 2017 with great enthusiasm. Especially if the previous 25 years and earlier 18 unique property syndicates are anything to go by.
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Next Full Edition At 9pm, 5th February 2017.
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